A simple explanation:
If you are on a quest to feed a group of chickens on a farm, the farmer will flip a switch to allow you to open the cupboard where the chicken feed is. However; once you have all 10 handfuls of feed. (This is your feed variable. You'd add 10 after you get the feed. Some people like to add 10 feed items also, which helps the player keep track of how many more chickens they need to feed.) Now when you feed a chicken, you subtract one of your feed variables, leaving 9 and so on. On your farmer event, you'd put an extra page with the conditional branch: Variable feed == 0 Under this condition, you'll put the end quest text, your reward for finishing the quest and so forth. On the triggers part of the event, on the left of the event screen, you'd probably want it to ONLY activate when the feed quest switch is on. (probably the same one that opened up the cupboard in the first place) Then after your rewards, you'd turn that switch off, or you can use a self switch. (They can simplify things at times.)
Anyway... If switches are used to turn lights on and off, then variables are the dimmer switches, or those lamps that have different brightnesses. Basically, you use variables to set many options, like random weather, people's reactions, a player's good vs. evil meter, numbers of quest items, or even a kill count. You'll use variables A LOT once you're more familiar with them. The best thing to do is just experiment. Tutorials are nice too.