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Valkyrie Profile CBS request

Hi guys!
First of all I'd like to ask if this request is even possible so that I really don't get my hopes up. I'm not much of a scripter so excuse me if I quickly don't get all that RGSS scripting in one go.

Me and a friend of mine are trying to build an RPG based on the Valkyrie Profile battle system. Well, I'm not really asking for the down-to-the-dot Valkyrie profile CBS, I'd just want to have a few of the features of the battle system. For those uninformed of VP's battle system, here's how it works:
Unlike other ATB where you choose using a menu, you attack by using button presses.these attacks fill up a bar on the lower left, as shown below:
See that small bar over there? That green bar increases as the players attack, the amount of increase to that bar depends on how powerful the characters do damage to the enemy. That bar also gradually decreases simultaneously.Once that bar is filled up. You can create a sort of 'Super special attack' which sorta looks like this:
pressing a button selects which party member would be performing that special attack:

What I want:
-I want that the press-button-to attack but I want to let the first players select whether to use an item, magic, or wait or do something else. I want that combo attack to be available for players who haven't performed anything yet. Take for example, If my mages have already performed a spell or some of my characters have used potion or decides to wait. They won't be able to attack.
-I want to have that bar where they fill up this bar and the last person to perform an attack to perform his Special attack.
-I want it to be compatible to Minkoff's CBS.

Of course I'll credit the guy who could do this kind of CBS. If there's any existing system I could combine with Minkoff's CBS to pull this one off, please PM me or reply to this thread. Hope I'm not demanding or anything on this one....^_^
yeah i would like to see this one too, since they made vp2 theres a big GAP in how shit happend.......like a few characters arent how they should be.......square enix messed it up, making a fan game could clear that up!!!
christof3264;154381 said:
yeah i would like to see this one too, since they made vp2 theres a big GAP in how shit happend.......like a few characters arent how they should be.......square enix messed it up, making a fan game could clear that up!!!
i found the VP2 okay...i'm just not used to seeing VP characters in 3d. something just didn't feel right when they did that kind of thing. and yeah, i believe making a fan game might be a good idea to prove how good this battle system is. :)

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