Thanks guys (I'll reserve a special thanks to that over keen compliment, Ven :biggrin
The little red shine may be off, I'll be sure to check it at the end, but for now I still think it works quite well. I feel it adds a bit of flare to the windows and also helps bring out the concept of the world, where the "sky" is all orange and reds.
Yeah, I did a lot of colour mixing on this piece. Finally started to get the hang of that and the results are far better than just keeping it simple. To get the effect, on all of the wall textures I had two shades that were visually identical in brightness and then changed the colour slightly, for example from yellow or orange. This can be seen on the 3rd floor of the building where the two brightest shades have little difference between them aside from their slight colour differences. Really brings out the detai of the piece, I think.
At the mo I'm taking a break working on a vector art pic which I'm just enjoying too much to stop. Once I finish it I'll be straight back into this house. I have made a little bit of prgoress from here, but at the moment am struggling to get down a good colour palette for the bronze metal pipes and thins. Once I get back to it I should have a refreshed mind.