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Upload & Download Files with Rgss

its nice looking.. but i havent gotten to try it yet.. I get the error as well. also when I try to download the rmxp version.. it corrupts.. I havent tried vx yet.. but I am now

EDIT: nope same error corrupt zip file. I would like to use this script in my particle engine, allowing users to upload and download particles, graphics, movement paths, etc.. It will allow me to update a file on an ftp server so they just turn on the game and bam new junk XD
This is fantastic, really though while I was reading through this post I started to wonder, this script makes it easy to release updates and thats cool. Though is it possible to make it so that players can report a problem within the game?

I'm not by any means requesting something like that just wondering if something like it would be possible.

In case you don't know what I mean say someones playing your demo they find a TON of TERRIBLE TERRIBLE grammar... :biggrin: ... they can send you a message right in the game... say by pressing a F key or something and typing the problem within the window. Could something along those lines be done?

Lets face it I've played a few games were there where a few issues, but when I tried to report it I really didn't care enough to remember the details, while I rated the game.

EDIT :biggrin:

Sorry I was looking around a little more and noticed

InputBox Script Version: 1.3
By: Rafidelis


Something like this type of input box but when you submit it sends the info to an e-mail inbox.
Really interesting and handy script indeed... The game design half in me wonders if games need that at all really, because I figure only a handful will be fitting for an updating feature, but the customization side wants to update my games with new graphics and scripts :]

I think the script is a little messy... also, naming modules 'berka' isn't any practical at all tbh. Other than that, well done, so keep up the good work.
I fixed the xp version, there were errors with the error display XD, but here it is


# Â  Â  Â  Â  Â  Â  Â  Â  Â  Download & Upload Files with RGSS

#  par berka                      v 2.1                  rgss 1

#                         [url=http://www.rpgmakervx-fr.com  ]http://www.rpgmakervx-fr.com  [/url]                           # azirht001 bug fixes          


# thanks to: [url=http://www.66rpg.com]http://www.66rpg.com[/url] for documentation on wininet


# ! do not use ftp which contains privates data

# ! this scripts need ftp account information !


# Ftp :

#    â–¼ receive : 

# Â  Â  Â  Â  Â Net::FTP.download("dir_on_ftp/file.zip","./Graphics")

#    â–¼ send : 

# Â  Â  Â  Â  Â Net::FTP.upload("./directoryinfolder/file.exe","directoryonftp newfilename.exe")

#    â–¼ make directory : 

# Â  Â  Â  Â  Â Net::FTP.mkdir("/dir_on_ftp")

# Http :

#    â–¼ receive : 

# Â  Â  Â  Â  Â Net::HTTP.download("url","./Graphics")

#    â–¼ total octets downloaded : 

# Â  Â  Â  Â  Â Net::HTTP.dloaded

#    â–¼ size of file : 

# Â  Â  Â  Â  Â Net::HTTP.size("test.zip")

#    â–¼ % dl progress :

# Â  Â  Â  Â  Â Net::HTTP.progress("test.zip")

#    â–¼ transfer time: 

# Â  Â  Â  Â  Â Net::HTTP.temps("test.zip")

#    â–¼ list files : 

# Â  Â  Â  Â  Â Net::HTTP.transfers

#    â–¼ file loaded? : 

# Â  Â  Â  Â  Â Net::HTTP.loaded?("test.zip")

#    â–¼ octets transfered : 

# Â  Â  Â  Â  Â Net::HTTP.transfered


module Berka

  module NetError

    ErrConIn="Unable to connect to Internet"

    ErrConFtp="Unable to connect to Ftp"

    ErrConHttp="Unable to connect to the Server"

    ErrNoFFtpIn="The file to be download doesn't exist"

    ErrNoFFtpEx="The file to be upload doesn't exist"

    ErrTranHttp="Http Download is failed"

    ErrDownFtp="Ftp Download is failed"

    ErrUpFtp="Ftp Upload is failed"

    ErrNoFile="No file to be download"

    ErrMkdir="Unable to create a new directory"



module Net





  print(Berka::NetError::ConIn)if IOA==0

  module FTP






    def init


      ftp="ftp.host.com"          #

      port=21                      #  A modifier ! 21 is default

      identifiant="username"            #

      motdepasse="password"        #



      ftp,port,identifiant,motdepasse=[nil]*4 # efface les ids par sécurité

      (print(Berka::NetError::ErrConFtp))if @fb==0


    def download(ext,int='./')

      init if @fb.nil?    


      if FSCD.call(@fb,ext.gsub(c,''))!=0

        print(Berka::NetError::ErrDownFtp)if FGF.call(@fb,c,"#{int}/#{c}",0,32,2,0)==0





    def mkdir(rep)

      init if @fb.nil?

      print(Berka::NetError::ErrMkdir)if FCD.call(@fb,rep)==0


    def upload(int,ext)

      init if @fb.nil?

      if FSCD.call(@fb,ext)&&File.exist?(int)

        print(Berka::NetError::ErrUpFtp) if FPF.call(@fb,int,ext,2,0)==0







  module HTTP






    def sizeloaded(i='');@read[i];end

    def transfered;@dloaded;end

    def transfers;@dls;end

    def progress(i='');(@read[i].to_f/@size[i]*100);end

    def loaded?(i='');@read[i]>=@size[i]rescue nil;end

    def temps(i='');@tps[i]if loaded?(i);end

    def size(i='');@size[i];end

    def download(url,int='./')



      print(Berka::NetError::ErrNoFile)if fich.nil?


      Berka::NetError::ErrConHttp if(e=IC.call(IOA,serv,80,'','',3,1,0))==0  




      loop do

        buf,n=' '*1024,0



        break if r&&n==0

        txt << buf[0,n]









Works fantasicly well Berka, great job. One question though how come the scene showing the download progress doesn't show up 100% of the time? I called it like you did in your XP demo, however it doesn't always show the bars which is quite odd. Any ideas?
@BlueScope : yeah, my script is quite messy, but I chose this very ugly programming to accelerate the implementation process
@Desecration : this maybe an issue about float numbers rounded.
Or, because of each trame has 1024 octets, maybe your file is too small !

thanks all !

What type file do you want to download ?
If you receive *.rxdata files... you have to restart your game to reload the datas.
If you have zip files... you have to unzip them manually.


o, that would be amazing! with a option to make it restart itself to, like if true it uses print to tell the user that it has updated and must restart, when they press ok it restarts :)
Near: no, you have to download a complete rgssad file to change the encrypted game.
deathbethecost: F12 ?

thanks, guys,
Hi berka, would you mind if my Trading script will require your script? (I'll tell people to download yours and put it above mine)

Also, I have a problem with the script. it downloads all the files perfectly, but then reports an error and the game is closed.
I think the scene doesn't detect the download has finished.
I used your RMXP demo, and just changed the .zip file download to:
well, your syntax is wrong:

and in the script, you change the host by (but, this is a subdomain ip !)

Thanks, but it didn't help. Is sub-domain a bad thing? *im clueless here*
I'm using my computer as the server (using Golden-FTP). I can see & download the file when typing ftp://(my IP) on Firefox.

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