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Unique Spell System Script Request

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How y'all doin'? I've got a very interesting request for anyone who wants to attempt it. Here it goes...

First off, this is a request for a scripted system that determines the spells that ONLY the main character uses (other characters' spells are defaulted via the database). There are 15 spells that he can learn total; 3 spells for each of my game's 5 elements: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, and Devine.
Every time the main character reaches a level that's a multiple of 5 (Lv. 5, Lv. 10, Lv. 15, etc.), THIS menu appears (though it'll look better):

KEY: <> = An outline of a jewel (diamond) shape

Earth <> <> <>
Wind <> <> <>
Fire <> <> <>
Water <> <> <>
Devine <> <> <>

When he reaches Lv. 5, he will automatically be shown this screen after any prizes the battle gives are received. The player then has a choice between any of the five elements listed. For example, let's say the player chooses "Earth". Afterwhich, for about 2 seconds, the screen will change to this:

KEY: <o> = A picture of a colored diamond

Earth <o> <> <>
Wind <> <> <>
Fire <> <> <>
Water <> <> <>
Devine <> <> <>

and then close out automatically back to the map. Upon making this decision, he automatically, permanently, and unchangeably learns the first "Earth" spell. When he reaches Lv. 10, he'll be shown this screen again (with the first Earth jewel space filled in), and will be given the opportunity to learn another spell. If, for example, he chooses Earth again:


Earth <o> <o> <>
Wind <> <> <>
Fire <> <> <>
Water <> <> <>
Devine <> <> <>

he will learn the second "Earth" spell. Final example, when he reaches Lv. 15, he chooses any other element (Water, in this case), and is shown this screen:


Earth <o> <o> <>
Wind <> <> <>
Fire <> <> <>
Water <o> <> <>
Devine <> <> <>

and will learn the first "Water" spell. Upon reaching Lv. 75, and making your last selection:


Earth <o> <o> <o>
Wind <o> <o> <o>
Fire <o> <o> <o>
Water <o> <o> <o>
Devine <o> <o> <o>

you will have learned all the available spells and this window WILL NOT pop up again when you reach levels 80, 85, 90, and 95.
The system is designed to test the player's strategizing skills based entirely on the luck of their early decisions (i.e., getting a healing spell early in the game, or NOT).

I hope this isn't too difficult of a request. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. ;)


I can't start writing out how my spells will work unless I know whether or not I'll be using this script. If you're a scriptor and you can't help me, please say so.
Poetry, by Sir Bump


Bump bump
Bump, bump bump
Bump Bump (Bump)
Bump, Bump?

Pretty deep, huh?

But seriously, this is the LAST script I need, no more. So please...

Closed at TC's request. ~Euph
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