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Unique Advanced ABS Shooter Request (Paying!)

Unique Advanced ABS Shooter Request

Hi, I just wondered if somebody could be able to do an ABS Shooter which looks like the one in Funorb's Hostile Spawn.
For these who dont know what it is, Google it up ^^ Ofc. Please  :dead:

I would really appreciate it, Especially if it'll work with pixel movement scripts (Or if a pixel movement script doesnt come in it).
If any advanced scripters demands to get paid for this =/ Please let me know the price. But i cant afford very much since im still student x').

More details:

- You use your mouse to aim.

- Possible to aim at any direction (Not 4-8 Directional).

- Not possible to shoot through walls but possible to shoot over water and small obstacles.

- Ammunation System (Without ammunation, You cant shoot. And diffrent weapons requires diffrent ammunation)

- Easy Enemy Creation. (It should be easy to customize enemies and such ^^ I guess you get the point of it)

- Should be able to shoot at pixel mode (For exemple: If an object / wall / etc is blocking the way to shoot, It wont block the bullets by the tileset, But instead by pixel. For exemple a tree, You can shoot pass the tree, as long as the bullets doesnt hit the stump by pixel.)

- You can walk in all directions (8-directional ^^)

- Pixel Movement Script (There is a some pixel movement scripts out there in this forum already. You can walk how ever you want by pixel, Not per "square". For exemple: In normal mode, When you press down, Your character walks down 1 square, In pixel mode: He walks down but not by square, Instead pixel way ^^ Cant explain any better xD! Well... If you're a true scripter =P You should have testet one once.)

And if possible (VERY APPRECIATED):

- Advanced AI

- Stealth System (Your enemy wont react as long as he doesnt see you or hear you (For exemple: Behind walls, Doesnt see you, Only hear you if you're near him, Unless you sneak behind the wall)).

- Stealth System "Shadows" (When your character hides in the shadow, It'll be harder for your oppenant to see you, But they can still hear you, unless you sneak. Like in splinter cell, The deeper you're in the shadow, The harder it is for them to see you, If you're deeply inside, Its nearly impossible for them to find/see you.)

- Stealth System "Sneaking" (If you press a button, You would go in sneak mode, While sneaking, You would'nt be heard, Well... Still just a little, But they'll have to be "VERY" near you. Also, While you sneak, A bar displayed somewhere in the screen would slowly decrease, The more steps you take, Eventually it'll be empty, And if you continue sneaking, Enemies would hear you. The emptier it is, The easier it is for your enemies to hear you. You can either restore it by waiting untill it slowly increases or use an item (Pill?))

- Stealth System "Lights" (With the light system, You'r enemies would easily be able to see you. Such as lamps and other light sources, They can light up the shadow and dark places. How ever, To avoid being seen, You can easily shoot at the light source to destroy / light it down / turn off / etc. But if your enemy notices it, Your "Detecting Status" would increase (How much, Depends on how many notice it))

- Stealth System "Detect Status" (A detecting status "0%-100%" would be displayed somewhere in the screen. The more you get suspected, The more the value would be. As 0%, You are not suspected or better said: No one knows you're in the area or even there, As for 100%, You're the most wanted at the area, Everybody knows where you are and are aiming on you. Pretty much the same system as in splinter cell and MGS3 "Camouflage thingy". You can easily decrease this by not taking any markable actions or either being heard or seen. As it very SLOWLY decreases. You can also decrease this by changing outfit, But it would not be whole gone.)

- Outfit System (You can change your outfit which gives you many new access and features. Such as if you use a camouflage, you would'nt be noticed easily, depending on which camo you use and on what enviroment/map. Or you can kill somebody and take their clothes (put them into the inventory) and later on when needed, You can change your current outfit into the one that you took from your enemy or who ever it were. And using this, You can pass some certain areas without gaining "Detect Status". Pretty much like the same system in the Hitman games.)

- Aiming System (When you use some guns, You can aim probarly by using scopes / lasers or other tools. For exemple with sniper scope, You can aim at an enemy a "LITTLE" off-screen. Depending on scope and weapon, You can aim diffrent far away. And when you use scope, The whole screen would turn into Sniper Scope mode (You would see a crosshair in the middle of the screen, And only the middle half of the screen is visible, The rest is black with a feeling like you are looking inside the scope.). But if you use laser, There is no such Sniper Scope Mode, Instead. You go a bit off screen but the character still be visible (Off Screen like 2-5 squares or something). Depending on the tool, You can aim diffrent far. With the laser, You aim at short range, While using scope, you aim can aim at a longer range.)

- Damage Detecter (I dont know what to call it but most of all FPS games have this feature, For exemple the classic Golden Eye for Nintendo 64 and the mmofps Warrock. When you get hitten / damaged, The screen turns a bit blurry at the edges, Depending on where you got hit. Making it easier to know which direction the enemy is hiden. As the enemies also would be able to use snipers, You would know where it came from to easier find him, But if its too much, You can instead make a small (Blurry) arrow pointing at which direction the enemy is who damaged or hitted you. The arrow slowly desapiers)

- First Aid (If you're hurt, You can use some bandages or any other healing methods. But instead of just click and use. You would have to wait while progressing the first aid. Making it more realistical. For exemple: You are dieng, You need to heal the wound. You go hide yourself and use the bandage or what ever it is you're using. A small bar displayed somewhere would appear temporarily, Which slowly increases from empty to full. As this is the progress bar. You wont get healed until its full. But if you use it during battle and get hit, The progress would be cancelled and you would'nt get healed. Somebody disturbed you and you unfinished your first aid).

- Unhealing Wounds (If you get hitten alot of times and have used first aid alot, There is a chance for an unhealing wound. Which means that you cant use any bandages or anything, The wound is totally messed up and you lost some of your life, this is also known as seriously damaged. The risk for this is 0% once you start of the game, But the more you get hit / damaged during the gameplay, The higher is the risk for getting a serious wound. you can use first aid to heal your wounds, It will decrease the risk to get seriously wounded but not much, As how many times you use first aid, You would never be able to decrease the risk to be seriously wounded if you have full health. And as lower your health is, The bigger risk is to get a serious wound, as higher hp you got, the less risk is to get a serious wound. But the more time you have experienced of being hit, The more the risk for being serious wound is. And the max risk for getting a serious wound cant be more than 95%. But the only way to decrease it (even if you have full health) is to visit a doctor which you can find at secret places if you explore the maps. But once you get hit, You can NEVER have less risk than 2% to get seriously wounded, Even if you have full health. And the risk increases by 1% for every "X" health you lose. And you can never have less risk to get a serious wound than you have when you got full health (Which increases the more health you have lost before). NOTE: When you get a serious wound, You would lose 11% of your total health, Which means you can NEVER have full health ever again, The max health you can have is 89% of your total health, And the more serious wounds you get, The less your max health becomes, All the way until you die.)

- Destruction System (You can blow up barrels by shooting at them, Making an area damage effect and if you're near the area, You'd get hurt too. The nearer, The more damage. Also possible to open chests by shooting at them. And very appreciated element is like the one in the FPS Crysis. You can destroy unstable walls by shooting something explosive on them or something that deals alot of damage such as FAMAS or something.

- Bombs (If you buy a bomb at shops, You can use the item and place it right below you. And you had 10 secs to run away from it since it deals alot of area damage. Possibly to destroy walls and explosive obstacles such as barrels if its inside the range. The near the enemy is standing, the more damage it takes. As the first 12x12 squares, You or the enemies would lose 100% health. And the far away you are, the less health you use. And if possible, a shockwave would be good too ^^ Which gives the character the status "Shock". Basicly disturbs the aiming of the character and movement.)

I really want this script to be as unique as possible so if possible please send the site of the script download by P.M =D
If you demand getting paid =/ Please let me how know much. But dont expect i pay $1000 USD or anything like that kind of large amount of cash =/ Sorry.

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