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Uncle Lanzer's Counter attack Script Help...


Awesome Bro

EDIT: I had a counter-attack script that works with the default battle system,
But it doesn't work with a RTAB script I wanted to use...
I can recommend you a better (read: more compatible) battlesystem... as I think that's the issue. Your script you posted is definately intended for the default battle system, so without you posting whichever system you're using, noone will be able to help you out.

I can also recommend many better (read: less unskillful sounding) nicknames. Put a little effort into learning how to script, and you'll be able to figure stuff like this out on your own. Or at least notice what you need to post to get what you want. Not to mention making actually well coded counter attack scripts...


Awesome Bro

EDIT: After some much needed thought, Rather then covert
the scripts I wanted use INTO RTAB friendly... I just
decided to just scrap Rtab...

although I wish I didn't have too.
Sorry for wasting Space on something stupid...

Just lock this thread.

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