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Uncertain Destinies

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Yep, it can make it any size. (Within reason... I mean, not 0 x -247 or 1,000,000,000 x 2...)

/\ That's a good idea though. I might spread the existing things out a bit, maybe then I can add more options to the battle menu like in FFVII.
Ah at least I can be proud of that tiny bit of C# I wrote for that resolution script.

I'm loving the whole thing Wyatt. So keep on this and please, please, finish it!
A land mass with absolutely no beach-type area to speak of is a very unrealistic land mass.

Also, you really need to find the fixed Mountain and Forest autotiles.
This looks really good. I'll be watching this once it's moved to the main thread project discussion forum.

EDIT: Scratch that, it is in the main thread. Good luck. I'll be watching my competition and secretly cursing you and praising you at the same time.
Even if you're specifically going for that retro look, I think the windowskin could use a little jazzing up. The battle was a little bit laggy for me as well, but that's quite posisbly just my computer.
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