Going by my sister (i.e. starting this month) she's paying £3,145 a year tuition (~$6,300), £3,400 for a dorm ($7,800), and then about £1,000 for supplies, books, studio costs, whatever. So like... £22,645 for the three years (~ $45,270).
Thankfully here we have a maximum cap on the tuition fees, which I believe is £3,145. So even Oxford and Cambridge can only charge that much. But depending on where you go, living costs go up (it can be like £6,500 (~$13,000) a year just for shitty student accommodation in London, for example).
We also get student loans from the gov't.
Government loans you the full cost of your tuition fees, as well as around £3k towards living fees (~£4.5k if living in London).
Then you get a Grant for anywhere between £0 and £2,000, depending on your family income.
Everything but for the grant has to be paid back, with no interest. You only start paying back once earning £15,000 a year; and if it isn't paid off in 25 years it is written off (though that is unlikely to happen).