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UAC With Vista



Aren't i lucky... UAC has decided that .png files on the internet are bad and now i can not see them unless i run IE in admin mode or i have to disable UAC... All i get are red X's... Anyone else have this problem?
I haven't received the problem, but i disabled UAC ages ago. Disabling UAC makes life a lot easier, but if your having trouble and you dont want to disable UAC there have been some reports that system restoring might help.
never had that problem, but why did you delete your partition? oh, and yeah, disabling uac makes life a lot easier. lol. i haven't had any problems with vista that i can't fix somehow.
Fallout;238040 said:
I was hoping this would be about the Union Aerospace Corporation. I am highly disappointed.

Nope, no invasions of hell here unfortunately, unless of course overprotection from Microsoft's software is Diablo's scourge, but anyways my UAC hasn't given me any problems, you sure you haven't fucked around with the settings?

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