Haha good job guys :yes: , i'm surprised the Tyke has become this popular,
hope you guys will finish the characters, they could be used as npc's and such if anyone was to make a game with them (like i am XD ).
Uzumakishade, thanks again bro :D, woo another great shade for the tyke, and thanks to Kaizer and Tana for the creation of the shades 8-)
An eye variation, enjoy.
First post.
EDIT: And some basic frontal poses (variations), these can also be used as animations, like looking side to side on a loop and such. I will make a laughing one soon, some side view poses coming in the future.
First post.
hope you guys will finish the characters, they could be used as npc's and such if anyone was to make a game with them (like i am XD ).
Uzumakishade, thanks again bro :D, woo another great shade for the tyke, and thanks to Kaizer and Tana for the creation of the shades 8-)
An eye variation, enjoy.
First post.
EDIT: And some basic frontal poses (variations), these can also be used as animations, like looking side to side on a loop and such. I will make a laughing one soon, some side view poses coming in the future.
First post.