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Two things... Modified Blue Magic and...

I need a blue magic system that work with Near's SBABS if posible.
That's it if the "Blue Mage" character gets hit with a enemy skill he learns it.
Or, if the "BM" hits an enemy he has the chance of learning a skill of the enemy.
(Like the Learning Skill for RTAB, but for SBABS)

The other thing... Im looking for an old script that was "Alternate Language", if someone has it. (It was from Sephirotspawn if im not wrong). Can't find it anywhere, and in Asylum the post is down.

Finally. If Legacy reads this... Can you make the compatibility fix for nears's SBABS of your CMS? (Or if someone can fix it so it works with the last version)
I'd hate to change to menu... it rocks...
Thanks in advance.

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