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Two Requests for World Map

Hi.. I was just wondering If anyone could possibly provide me/direct me to a script that will allow me to have my world map wrap around (much like in RM2k) I seen the script before and I have already searched using the search function. And I also went through each page of the submited scripts and I couldnt find it. Just a script that will allow me (if I was in an airship or something) to keep going horizontally or vertically across the map and it will keep wrapping around. If someone could help me. It would be greatly appreciated.

the second script I would like to request.. is, if possible. When my character is on the world map or any other certaint maps. To have my characters shrinked in size (so I dont have to create new mini sprites and constantly change character gfx). Mode07 has a feature somewhat like it when you use the [OV] in the map name. But I've tried implementing that scripting into my project and i keep gettin errors.. And I dont really need all the other fancy tilting the map stuff. Its awsome.. but I just want to shrink my characters so its almost like Chrono Trigger when your on the world map.

If someone can please help me it would be creatly appreciated.
If you write the Script yourself. Please just lemme know and I'd gladly add your name into the credits.

Ah... Sephiroth... Can you possibly help me out abit more please.... I cant even seem to find minkoffs depth script :( Ive seen this one as well before in the submitted section.. and i also took a look through the lost scripts list. pleaseeeeee

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