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Twenty Five Days of Writing

Hi kiddies,

Starting on the first of December, right up till Christmas day I'll be posting probably a microfiction, perhaps a Vignette, probably not a Novelette, but I won't rule it out. Consider it a random grab bag of different writing techniques/styles/whatevers 25 days in a row. More writing than I've ever posted. Less than I've ever edited. I'm making myself vulnerable for you!

I also want to encourage anyone else who has a fun Christmas/winter themed poem, short, or anything else I named to post theirs in this thread too.

I won't say don't worry about quality, but throw caution to the wind and just enjoy the holiday season by sharing with our small writing community what you've got. Regardless of whether anyone else contributes, I've got a relatively decent backlog of stuff I can post for each day so I shouldn't be skipping any of the 25. I'll see about getting little graphics to put in your sigs or something for people who do it? I dunno. PM me with suggestions or willingness or whatever.

Happy Holidays, and hope to see some good stuff in this thread  :straightthumb:

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