I have been attempting, for three days straight, to incorporate some sort of vehicle system into my game. My goal is something Final Fantasy 2(4)-like, so far as boats and airships go.
I've tried using SephirothSpawn's Vehicle System Script (Found here: http://www.gamingw.net/forums/index...850b1659e4c1e8fa441fa&topic=58123.msg1008542), but the result has been that I can move around as the vehicle all I want, but my character is still there, and I can leave the vehicle only by going back to the same point at which I boarded it.
My Questions:
1. Am I implementing this script incorrectly? Is there something I need to fix?
2. Am I implementing the script incompletely? Did I just miss something?
3. Am I expecting something from it that it was never meant to do?
4. If so, any suggestions on any other way to achieve a fairly basic vehicle system?
On a related note...
My Vehicle System Goals:
1. A boat
a. that can be boarded and disembarked upon any shore (if this requires my building a "shore" around all my land, of a particular terrain tag, that's fine).
b. that can travel on at least one terrain tag
2. An airship
a. that can be boarded and disembarked on command
b. that might not necessarily be able to land on all terrain tags (i.e. FF2(4) style, could not land on forests or mountains)
c. that might not necessarily work on all terrain tags (i.e. can't fly over a particular tower with a terrain tag of 7)
The last two sub-points are negotiable.
I would very much appreciate any help with this. I've about gone stir-crazy trying on my own, without really knowing script.
Attached is a small game file with the basics for an airship (angel [no boat sprite yet]) and boat (lorry sprite). SDK 1.6 is in the script editor, as well as the Vehicle System script.
Thank you again, in advance, for any help.
I've tried using SephirothSpawn's Vehicle System Script (Found here: http://www.gamingw.net/forums/index...850b1659e4c1e8fa441fa&topic=58123.msg1008542), but the result has been that I can move around as the vehicle all I want, but my character is still there, and I can leave the vehicle only by going back to the same point at which I boarded it.
My Questions:
1. Am I implementing this script incorrectly? Is there something I need to fix?
2. Am I implementing the script incompletely? Did I just miss something?
3. Am I expecting something from it that it was never meant to do?
4. If so, any suggestions on any other way to achieve a fairly basic vehicle system?
On a related note...
My Vehicle System Goals:
1. A boat
a. that can be boarded and disembarked upon any shore (if this requires my building a "shore" around all my land, of a particular terrain tag, that's fine).
b. that can travel on at least one terrain tag
2. An airship
a. that can be boarded and disembarked on command
b. that might not necessarily be able to land on all terrain tags (i.e. FF2(4) style, could not land on forests or mountains)
c. that might not necessarily work on all terrain tags (i.e. can't fly over a particular tower with a terrain tag of 7)
The last two sub-points are negotiable.
I would very much appreciate any help with this. I've about gone stir-crazy trying on my own, without really knowing script.
Attached is a small game file with the basics for an airship (angel [no boat sprite yet]) and boat (lorry sprite). SDK 1.6 is in the script editor, as well as the Vehicle System script.
Thank you again, in advance, for any help.