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Triskster ATB Battle System lessened

I have way too many modifications to the battle system that conflict when trying to use Triskster's ATB BS, the version I have is

Version 1.3.1
Date 3/25/07

I was wondering if anyone could simply take that existing version, remove EVERYTHING including the nice bars (HP/EXP/WaitTime) and make a simpler version.

Basically I need simply the time based system for monsters to attack while making a decision. As for the player, then have a very small bar show the wait time UNDER the [STATUS]. This way it will not get in the way of the ragelimit script I'm using.

I apologize if this is available but I have never been able to find specifically this, thanks.
1) I don't think anyone knows the system well enough, except me, to take my system apart and make it simplier (I did show a form of that script to Seph and he said it is complicated) so good luck finding someone there

2) Maybe you forgot to setup something in the script.
  # * Advanced Update Phase 3 Objects
  #     syntax - update_method => end_method
  #     ex (Ip Skills) - 'update_phase3_ip_select' => 'end_ip_select'
  Phase3_Objects = {}
  # * Advanced End Phase 3 Objects
  #     syntax - variable_name => end_method_name
  #     ex (Ip Skills) - '@ip_window' => 'end_ip_select'
  End_Phase3 = {}

3) As for the player, then have a very small bar show the wait time UNDER the [STATUS]. This way it will not get in the way of the ragelimit script I'm using.

Sure I'll do this for you all you have to do is draw a mockup and include the other scripts, I really didn't like how I did the status window anyway.

4) I have way too many modifications to the battle system that conflict when trying to use Triskster's ATB BS, the version I have is

Post them all, sometimes (like with Advanced Targetting) the ATB script will have to go below the other script this is due to a section of code needing priority over everything (to be exact my edits to update_phase3)

But yeah, post them all and I'll have a look
1) SDK 2.x or greater is required to use ATB Version 1.5 isn't high enough you will have to update

2) I shall make an SDK compliant version or.. you can switch to my Passive Effects script

3) That is one of those scripts I prefer not to mess with, You can remove the HP and SP Bars, but the AT Bar must stay like it is or you can make a copy of the bar and use it with my script (Easier)

4) Another script I prefer not to touch, You can either switch to Seph's Limit Break, DerVVulfmans Limit Break, or my Ip Skills script

5) Not compatible with this script since escaping is done in phase 4 and not phase 2 I will do something about this

6) not SDK compliant/compatible it modifies some methods ATB uses and thus will not work, you may use the SDK conversion request topic in my signature and request an SDK version to be created or... you can combine two scripts that I have created Support Abilities + Advanced Battle Commands if you go this route I will tell you how

7) Should work with ATB with no trouble

8) Should work with ATB with no trouble

Compatibility Problems
7 + 8) and would require a remodel of 8
Thanks for the quick reply Trickster, for

1) SDK v2, I have it but for some reason it gives errors with all the older SDK scrips, ex:

if SDK.state("SCRIPT HERE") == true

is no longer working, do I have to change each of those to

if SDK.enabled?('SCRIPT NAME')??

2) Please do make a sdk compliant version as I already have alot tied into that script

3) I've been looking for an excuse to get rid of my cogwheel script and update for a newest sdk compatible one, but I love the bars, so I guess I can copy the hp/sp and exp portion, the At bar isn't TOO big a problem, other than it's limitbreak location

4) I'll switch it then, I was only using it for a limitbreak type system anyway, I'll try with seph's version or derv (didnt know he had one). And I've never heard of ip skills script

5) No problem, off that script goes in place for timed battle since they attack more I don't need the balance with escape delay

6) The FFV job script is one I'm very fond of and have implemented a great deal into my game, so I would most likely bring it to the request sdk compatible and perhaps at the same time a FF battle report by raziel compatible

7+8) Glad they arent the problem, but is there anyway you can tell me how to arrange FF battle status to allow the level up for espers as well as other level ups such as the job system. Even the job system and esper system cannot function together without the battle report.

Thanks alot I'm going to request the sdk script compatibility and work on implementing sdk2, thanks again.

p.s. I'm checking your support abilities script after I download... oh God how I hate dialup... :D

p.p.s Since it states that you "I AM SEPHIROTHSPAWN!!!!", please I was wondering (perhaps it's a split personality :D), if you had any idea when the completed materia script is expected, I just cant get it to work outside the demo, and even in the demo it has a few bugs.

EDIT PLEASE READ TRISTER: I updated the sdk to the new version along with the method and class library, and well it causes along of problem even amongst old sdk compliant scripts. It's just not worth all this just to have a time based battle. I wish there was just a simple way to make it so monsters can attack you while you decide based upon your dexterity / theres or something to that effect. For now I'm really just trying to get my ffv system, esper, and ff battle report all working together like a nice good family :D. If you can drop the other idea and just help me with that I would be so greatful. Thanks

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