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Trickster's Time System V2.2

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I have one quick question. If I remove the beginning and ending little SDK tag things, will it be compatible with normal RMXP scripting?
Leknaat;183476 said:
I have one quick question. If I remove the beginning and ending little SDK tag things, will it be compatible with normal RMXP scripting?

I don't think so. You'll need to do more than that.
Updated the script to Version 2.1

Splits the script up into two parts
the time system and the day/night system (optional)

Also adds a Time in Menu Addon
Is it possible to just have one screentone for day, one for night, one for evening and one for morning, and specify what screentones you want?
I dislike the screentones that are now, and i just want 4. ;)
Tempus;223931 said:
Is it possible to just have one screentone for day, one for night, one for evening and one for morning, and specify what screentones you want?
I dislike the screentones that are now, and i just want 4. ;)
  def tone
    period_length = Math::PI * (hours.to_f / Day)
    red_shift = -100 + 115 * Math.sin(period_length)
    green_shift = -140 + 155 * Math.sin(period_length)
    blue_shift = -150 + 165 * Math.sin(period_length)
    return Tone.new(red_shift, green_shift, blue_shift, 0)

modify this method it would be best to modify it like so

def tone
  case hours
  when 0...somenumber
    r, g, b, gy = RED, GREEN, BLUE, GRAY
  when somenumber...anothernumber
    r, g, b, gy = RED, GREEN, BLUE, GRAY
  return Tone.new(r, g, b, gy)

alexanderpas;224323 said:
uhm... you forgot to implement leap seconds, and don't forget that leap years don't happen if year is devidable to 400

 This script allows your game to have time. Also includes a simple Day Night 
 System. And Also you can setup events that happen at a certain time 
 (ex. at 0 to 6 minutes past each hour, or on Tuesday March 20, 2007 at 
 3:00 PM to 4:00 the same day and year), [B]This script wasn't meant to be an exact
 copy of our calendar as it is not accurate[/B]

Draken;224379 said:
This gives me an urge to make some sort of Animal Crossing game. Go Trixi!




I want to add some events which dissapear at, lets say, 19:00PM and come back at 5:00 AM. I added this on a new page in the same event, placed in comments ofcourse.
start_hour 19
end_hour 5

But this doesn't seem to work, but when i put the end_hour on the same day (so lets say 24PM) it does seem to work. Is it possible to do this?

Thanks in advance,
Yah i know that, its just my map takes place over a 3-day period (like zelda) with the ability to go back to day one on command (like zelda)

hmmm, maybe I could jump forward a year minus 3 days?
Do what Tempus said, set up the events with the time options and it should act as if you are going back in time if that's not what you want then rephrase what you are trying to do :-/
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