Agh... transitions. My least favorite and least knowledgeable area in RMXP eventing. Okay, can someone help? I think I've figured, a transition displays and changes something happening between Prepare for Transition, and Execute Transition. But how can you use this for transferring maps?
I've set the event processing like this:
But I believe this doesn't work since you move to the next map before it processes the Execute Transition code. Is there another way to do this so while it is transferring maps, the transition works?
I've set the event processing like this:
@>Prepare for Transition
@>Transfer Player: [Map...etc.etc.]
@>Execute Transition: '020-Flat01'
But I believe this doesn't work since you move to the next map before it processes the Execute Transition code. Is there another way to do this so while it is transferring maps, the transition works?