I didn't like the cartoon, and the fact that they're making a movie about it and it's been released pisses me off that people would waste that kind of money. The whole plot 'the universe is going to be destroyed!',
Well I would think that it is overdone, but that's not what Transformers are about.
Basicall [and I means basically] the story of transformers is about robots from a planet of robots that are locked in a civil war. The aubots developed the technology to transform into vehicles first thus turning the tides of the war in their favor. The decepticons soon developed the technology as well and, being strong and more merciless, soon starting winning the war.
In a last ditch effort a group of Aubots, led by Optimus Prime, went in search of the All-Spark [a few different variations to this story, but basically the same] said to give the bear unimaginable power. Their ship is attacked by a group of decepticons, led by Megatron, that were also looking for the All Spark. The autobots ship crashes on earth a million years ago and the ship puts all the autobots into a kind of status. The decepticons are also put into status after their ship crashed as well.
After a few million years the autobot ship woke the autobots up and programed them with a transformation to help them blend in with the locals, trucks and such.
This is where the cartoon started and the story has evolved into much more than just that. I suggest you watch at least few episodes or watch the movie before you make an assumation of why this was made or what the show and movie are about.