There are often arguments over whether or not transexuality (I.e. physically changing your sexual characteristics to that of the opposite gender), like being gay, is a choice or not.
But, what if someone wanted to make that choice? Not because they think they (from a male prospective) are a girl, or because the feel they should have been a girl, but because they want to be a girl... is this possible, is this right, is there anything wrong with this?
I personally would, if there was an actual way, have a sex change. I don't mean inverting your penis, or cutting part of your intestine and using that as a vagina; I mean an actual physical sex change, with no catches. I understand such a thing isn't possible (yet), but nonetheless that is how I feel.
Should people be allowed to make that choice?
One argument could be that such a change would probably be permanent... but then so is a tatoo, or laser eye surgery. After all, people have plastic surgery by will all the time - bigger boobs, smaller butts, botox, you name it. What about sex changes?
But, what if someone wanted to make that choice? Not because they think they (from a male prospective) are a girl, or because the feel they should have been a girl, but because they want to be a girl... is this possible, is this right, is there anything wrong with this?
I personally would, if there was an actual way, have a sex change. I don't mean inverting your penis, or cutting part of your intestine and using that as a vagina; I mean an actual physical sex change, with no catches. I understand such a thing isn't possible (yet), but nonetheless that is how I feel.
Should people be allowed to make that choice?
One argument could be that such a change would probably be permanent... but then so is a tatoo, or laser eye surgery. After all, people have plastic surgery by will all the time - bigger boobs, smaller butts, botox, you name it. What about sex changes?