Post your top3 movies (good and bad)
and post your top3 music songs (good and bad)
GOOD movie
1) my favorite movie Perfume : the story of a murderer (so god it disireves a link :p)
2) red dragon : before the silence
3) Step - up : (notting special )
BAD movies
1) House of the dead ... no comment ....
2)umhhh , okay i like most movie
3) canot even find 2 let 3 be XD
Good songs .
first of all i'm a big fan of 3 days grace so it wil be 3 songs of them
1) Never too late - 3 days grace
2) let it die - 3 days grace
Can't find a movie about t
3)pain - 3 days grace
Bad songs ..
I only post 1 mvie of it .. (the baddest song ever in my opinion)
1) The crimson - atreyu (oaky i hate it don't know about you)
2) Monsoon - Tokiohotel (germans .. china ? -.-)
3) some old classic ..
and post your top3 music songs (good and bad)
GOOD movie
1) my favorite movie Perfume : the story of a murderer (so god it disireves a link :p)
2) red dragon : before the silence
3) Step - up : (notting special )
BAD movies
1) House of the dead ... no comment ....
2)umhhh , okay i like most movie
3) canot even find 2 let 3 be XD
Good songs .
first of all i'm a big fan of 3 days grace so it wil be 3 songs of them
1) Never too late - 3 days grace
2) let it die - 3 days grace
Can't find a movie about t
3)pain - 3 days grace
Bad songs ..
I only post 1 mvie of it .. (the baddest song ever in my opinion)
1) The crimson - atreyu (oaky i hate it don't know about you)
2) Monsoon - Tokiohotel (germans .. china ? -.-)
3) some old classic ..