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Top Bush Aides Subpoenaed

Dubya said:
but no oath could be administered and no transcript would be taken.

Gotta love that. Let's translate.

What Dubya's ACTUALLY saying said:
But Karl Rove would be allowed to lie and nobody would have the means to dispute the lies.

Wow. It's just amazing the lengths this administration will go to to avoid being put in any situation where someone there might actually have to sit down and tell the fucking truth. Bush's rationalization for this is, as usual, idiotic. He's always saying that if his advisers had to worry about getting subpoenaed, they might not want to give advice. Well you know what? Maybe if they were under that threat, they might refrain from advising him to do things that are illegal and/or totally unconscionable.

I'm delighted to hear the Senators on that committee aren't taking any shit. Bush's White House has been in a constant state of scandal since Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and it would be pretty gratifying to see someone actually get in trouble for something. But who knows, maybe we'll have to catch Ann Coulter giving him a blowjob (literally anyway, not just in the form of commentary on Fox News) before he actually is punished.
I admit I didn't read the entire thing, but this is about the firing of the attorney's, right? Doesn't the President have the authority to fire whoever he wants, for whatever reason he wants?

Also, IIRC, lying to congress even when not under oath is a crime.

But, I don't claim to be an expert on politics, so don't quote me on any of this.

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