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Title Screen -- What would you say?

Well, it can't really be critiqued. All you did was take a commercially created image and slap some font on it. The font is nice, but not enough was done to the image to warrant any feedback.



Well I guess you're right - even if the artwork isn't comercially created, it's a composition of diffrent artworks from WAR.
And as I said I wanted to have feedback especially on the text because I always have problems with this.
Colours doesn't match, too many effects. Things like that.

I will try to create something more with an own personal note.
(Although I'm not so skilled in drawing etc. I'm supposed to take already drawn images or simple text)

Thanks anyway.
Versuch die Augen etwas hervor zu heben..vielelicht durch ein leuchten
Da es in der Nacht ist, und der Screen arg dunkel und kalt wirkt..  solltest vielleicht noch so ne art Atem reinhaun...

Die Schrift sieht zwar schön aus.. passt aber ned zum rest.. wirkt zu aufgesetzt. vielleicht ne dickere Font nehmen und den Schein außenrum wegmachen.. stattdessen die Kanten einfach weich machen..wirkt nebliger und besser..

sry for german answer.. but it´s much easier to explain in german than in english..



sure tell that to tha mods! haha
nah, back on topic.
there's nothing to critic except for the outside of the text, maybe a with a little more blur you could make it smoother, but it doesn't look bad like this. And try the text a little more darker.



@Espér: Ich bin überrascht, der erste Deutsche, den ich hier in zwei Jahren sehe (vielleicht habe ich auch nicht überall nachgesehen ^^)
Gute Idee, auf jeden Fall. Leuchtende Augen und ein eisiger Hauch... Das mit der Schrift ist - wie ich ja sagte, immer so ein Problem.
Sie will nicht so, wie ich will, ins Bild mit "einfließen".

Danke dir zumindest, ich werde sehn, was ich davon umsetzen kann.

[I'm surprised. The first German I see in two years (but maybe I didn't look everywhere ^^)
Great idea anyway. Glowing eyes and an icy breath... As I said, the text is always a problem.
It doesn't want to fit the way I want it to fit.

Well, thanks at least, I will see what I can change over.]

@nahchito: thanks, good idea, too. (And again it's the text *g*)
I'll try to include all your tips.

new version
http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/9594/w ... pievk5.png[/img]



Nearly perfect, it just needs some... blood.
Or, if not that, some red stuff.
Come on, give the gory fans something.
Butter. :(

Otherwise, perfect.
I'd say there really isn't any problems I see with it, aside from maybe the text being hard to read. It isn't that it is really that hard to read, but rather it might be a little better off not using dark colors on a dark background. Maybe add a little more contrast to the text so it stands out just a tad more.



Ich finds auch nicht schlecht. Gut, letztenendes ist ein recht leicht zusammengesetztes Bild mit etwas Schrift, aber es ist stimming und da das Ganze vermutlich sone Art Vampire Hunter D. oder Van Hellsing like Game zu sein scheint (dem Titel nach) ists sehr treffend, von daher... :)
Sry, that was a hard sentence to translate in english... xD
I said something like its simple made but I think its ok for the game.
Sry, that was a hard sentence to translate in english... xD
like i say ^^
a bit stupid.. in every german forum, you can speak english like you wish..
but speaking german here, is a deadsin...

A tipp for you:
Try to use some photoshop layer-filters..  The blood on the shoulders should look mch better than..  at the moment.. it looks a bit touched down.

>>Versuch ein paar Multiplikator Effekte oder Überblendungen übers Blut zu haun. Dann wirkt es nimmer so auf die Schulter aufgesetzt.<<
Ich find es sieht ganz geil aus eigentlich, obwohl ich die englische Version fast besser als die deutsche finde. (Versetzt und so). Den atem würde ich nochn bischen bearbeiten, (neuer layer und transparenz und dann verwischen, isn bsichen kompliziert glaub ich, hab als ewig gebraucht um sowas hinzubekommen) und wie esper schon gesagt hat würd ich evtl, nicht übertrieben, die augen ein klitze kleines bischen leuchten lassen, das kommt voll brudl^^

Looks fine, I like the english font some kind of more. The breath seems a bit strange try to blur it a bit and as esper mentioned you could evtly make his eyes glow a lil bit, gots brudl style ;)



Much germans around here ;)
But your right Caldaron. The breath looks a lil bit... dont know how to say it in english.
You should blurry it a lil bit.
And the perspective of the blood is a lil bit strange.



Thanks again to all of you!
Nice to see some feedback  :wink:

I'll try to work it over and include all your ideas and

I've decided to take the English version -- even for the original German version for the game
(It just looks way better in English than in German and sounds better imo)
I've tried to work over the blood and the breath and the second one was quite tricky.
But I think this could look a bit better now.

http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/7265 ... sh2ck3.png[/img]



golden? Nah! the title surly is important but it should not be
in the center of attraction imo. everything should be balanced and a golden text would be
too much... well... too much... It would simply force the viewer into looking at the title first.
And I think that it just has to be a bit more subtile.
hmm, then i would say you should make this font not glowing too much ;)
but dammit its great anyway don't dwell on the details too much.

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