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Tiny, tiiiiiiny edit

Hi everyone! I'm BlackMage, I'm new to the boards here, though I'm not new to RMXP. I started working with this program about 6 months ago, and since then have made a couple of projects (both sucky, by the way) and am now working on a project I hope to God will be good.

Basically, I'm looking for an edit to the basic Battle system. What do I want, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. I'd like it if, for a regular "Attack," the power was determined from adding together the actor's STR with the weapon's ATK power, instead of just being determined for the ATK power of the weapon.

Thanks, and Merry Christmas!

Add this in a new script above main
class Game_Actor
  alias add_str_base_atk base_atk
  def base_atk
    n = add_str_base_atk
    n += base_str
    return n

Untested but it should work let me know you it gives you any trouble

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