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Tina Marina - Sparring Pose

This is Tina Marina, the hyperactive latin kick-boxer who sounds a lot like your typical high-pitched anime girl, and travels the globe on a quest to learn all the skills of fighting and become the best martial artist in the world!

She's fluent in 3 different languages, and has a tendency to make spanish, her second most frequently spoken language aside from english, sound kind of japanese (Oh, don't think that's possible? Say the word "Decesiete {deh-seh-syeh-tay}" in the best high pitched Mikuru voice you can immitate and you'll see what I mean =P )
Anyway, I completely drew this with a 0.5 mechanical pencil, and darkened the lines in photoshop.
Comments please!

http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs28/i/2008/ ... parx_1.jpg[/img]
Overall this picture isn't that bad, there are a few problems here and there though such as her apparently huge right foot. The biggest problem however seems to be the head, it just doesn't suit the body at all. Make the face taller and the eyes less huge and you're set.

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