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Time Travel Menu request

I need a new sort of menu that can be called via script for my game.

http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c391/ ... system.jpg[/IMG]

1.) This is a list of places you can warp to. Places that you can go to are white (even the question marks can be; sorry I didn't make that in the pic). Times that are unavailable are grayed out. Places that you haven't been to yet are not only grayed out if they're unavailable, but are marked with question marks until you've been to the place once. Once you've visited the place once, the name of the time period will replace the question marks. A finger pointer is your cursor.

2.) Every time period, a picture appears of the place you'll appear at. I'd like it if the picture could slide in and out from the right as you go up and down the list, but if that can't be done, no biggie.

3.) The background is just a panorama, that I'd prefer if it could move in a random direction (via RPG Advocate's Panorama scroll script; if needed, I'll post it), though if that can't be done, I'll settle for it moving in a downward diagonal direction.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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