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I had nothing to do so i drew this.














Looks good. Although the dithering on the pillars looks off when you compare them to everything else which looks sleek and futuristic.
Alright to be honest I find it a little too bland, square and grey.
The pillars look nice but light just doesn't simply dissapear when it enters water, it warps. The lines of light should just vanish when the pillar enters the water, they should simply either A) curve or B) shift to the right and fade.
As rin has started previously there appears to be a slight clash in the dithering.
The flat water doesn't really appeal to me but others may enjoy the retro style.
That big button pedestal looking thing is a tad dull.
Your crackd tiles look too smooth still, try uping the contrast to increase the depth.
Well, I like it. It has a very damp and futuristic atmosphere. This somewhat reminds me of those Cave Story research areas. But what is up with the lightening? Does it come from the right? And the perspective on the top of the pillars looks a little odd, but RMXP games don't have a certain perspective anyway so it's not a big deal if you keep everything that way.


Oh, why are the walls at the back darker near the bottom? I should reserve that effect only for cliffs leading down. It just looks bad; as if the wall is not connected to the ground.
Its not bad but the perspective on the pillars ais a bit off. I'm not a huge huge fan of the immediate color choice though. They seem to be rather blah to me. Maybe some darker tones will help it pop more but for now its a damn good start. Lets see it make it to its finish okay? Keep up the good work.
With the colors i was using low sat colors for the tiles and then all max sat colors for anything that moves.

I still have to finish all the water animation.
And i want to make a basic character template and
some monsters.

I already started the character template.
Dude this is sick! I'm loving it. I can't wait for it to be done. Are you going to let people use the finished product? And are you going to make more?
I am making this so i can use it.
And yes i have lots of stuff that i am still working on.

When this is done i could make a tileset
character combo for people to use but that
would be after i get this entire thing done.
The character template is not bad at all man, those treasure chests are bright as hell against the rest of the place though, i think the angle of the chests are a bit off compared to the surrounding pieces, take a look at the angle for the center altar for example, compare that to the chest.
E-Same for the levers.
The chest looks bright as hell because it has all of it's
colors at 100% saturation, same with the jem.

And i know i need to fix the angle issues, That's my biggest
problem when i make tilesets.


I was trying to make the chest and character stand out a lot more
than the tileset.

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