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[TI] Treads of Time v1, v2, v3

if anyone remembers me from .net which I doubt I posted these along with some other resources over a two to three month time frame. This is in fact my first resource created since Febuary, six months ago.

Treads of Time V1: (Originally posted on .net in August of 05')
Background: Created one year ago. This was merely the result of expermenting with PS:cs2. I grew fond of the technique and began using it more often, later I created a tutorial.

Treads of Time 2: (Originally posted on .net in November of 05')
Background: Posted three months after the original. It has some additional techniques I picked up over the months but nothing fancy.

Treads of Time 3: NEW!
Background: Made using 34 layers. This was completed shortly before this post and the main one of which feedback is requested.

I didn't know which area to place it in since it fits into both Design and Development and resource analysis. I will let the Mod have the final say.

Comments/critisize appreciated.




I really like it.
The font matches the colors of the background. It looks really dynamically.
But I'm wondering, where you will put the "New Game" "Load Game" etc. boxes.
But what I see now, is a pretty nice Title.

---I want to apologize for my bad English, it's not my mothertongue :D ---
You're focusing too hard on the effects and not enough on the actual title. Put more emphasis on the words. As it is, it blends into the background.



I remembered you as soon as I saw your name. I also faintly remember these titles. :P

Lookin good, I personally like the look of the blended text, but it probably won't work for a title screen. Use text that blends in the backround in an avatar or a sig, but not a title.

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