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Throwing-Weapon Technique System

Pale needs another script!

In Pale, Kayou uses throwing-needles as weapons. She throws them through the use of skills, and some skills require a certain number of needles. If a technique requires 12 needles, then the skill will fail if she doesn't have at least twelve needles in her inventory. Needles are counted as weapons, not items, because she can also equip them with one in each hand for normal melee attacks.

Also, she can carry various different types of needles at once. Steel Needle, Barbed Needle, Fire Needle, etc. When she selects a skill, she then selects the type of needle she wishes to use from her inventory. For example, the Pincushion technique utilizes 20 needles, but she can select any type of needle from her inventory to use in the attack. Damage is calculated not by the skill itself, but by the ammo's stats and how many of it are thrown.

Third, it needs to be combined with a dual-wield system so she can wield two needles as melee weapons at the same time.

Lastly, can the item limit be raised from 99 to 999?

I understand this is a very complex request, but I appreciate if anyone would give it a shot. Thank you very much!
Although I haven't tested it out myself yet, this should solve the Item Limit issue. Btw the script is by Sephiroth Spawn

class Game_Party
  # limit_type = { item_id => limit, ... }
  Item_Limits = {}
  Weapon_Limits = {}
  Armor_Limits = {}
  alias seph_itemlimits_gameprty_gainitem gain_item
  alias seph_itemlimits_gameprty_gainweapon gain_weapon
  alias seph_itemlimits_gameprty_gainarmor gain_armor
  def gain_item(item_id, n)
    seph_itemlimits_gameprty_gainitem(item_id, n)
    if Item_Limits.has_key?(item_id)
      @items[item_id] = [[@items[item_id], 0].max, Item_Limits[item_id]].min
  def gain_weapon(item_id, n)
    seph_itemlimits_gameprty_gainweapon(item_id, n)
    if Weapon_Limits.has_key?(item_id)
      @weapons[item_id] = [[@weapons[item_id], 0].max, Weapon_Limits[item_id]].min
  def gain_armor(item_id, n)
    seph_itemlimits_gameprty_gainarmor(item_id, n)
    if Armor_Limits.has_key?(item_id)
      @armors[item_id] = [[@armors[item_id], 0].max, Armor_Limits[item_id]].min

I will test it right now to see how things go
EDIT: Well if you edit the max number of items in game_party, you can get this to work with whatever the maximum set is. Problem is, you would have to set the limit to all items in you game that you don't want to go to 999
The throwing system is nearly done I just need formula/s for the needle skills.
I'll start the last part (duel wielding) later after sleep do you want everyone to dual wield or just selected people?

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