Hello there, and welcome to my corner of the woods.
For those of you who don’t know me, I am Zackwell; and for those of you who DO know me, please stop taking things from my fridge without asking me first.
Anyway, let me give you the tour of all the nice little places I like to go ‘round here.
Game Development clearing
This is the nice clearing where our friendly residents come to show their development projects!
One of the most attractive looking projects to me is Legacy’s Blackfire.
Not just because I have a personal stake in it, but because of the progress that has been done on it!
It’s worth showing some interest in, so take a look-see!
Legionwood II by Dark Gaia looks to be amazingly impressive! With a three hour long demo?!
I can see the completed version of this game to take up most of your hibernation! Make sure you gather enough supplies... Acorns, pinecones, Doritos... That kinda stuff!
If you like puzzles, logic and Pokémon, Xilef’s Voltorb flip game is gift better than mother earth herself could give! How he managed to make that with twigs and spittle is beyond me, but it doesn’t change the fact that I could see anyone having hours of fun playing this!
The Program and Utility shack
We found this old shack a long time ago, an inventor used to come here for inspiration. He left all kinds of things inside...
Mr.Mo’s express game maker? Wow! This is the kind of thing any game-making novice would strive for! Apparently you can even make games for Xbox live! What a find!
Perhaps you should all check it out!
Zeriab, our docile neighbourhood hugging lion has created an encrypter that beats the RMXP/VX encrypting process by a mile! The RPG maker encrypter may have had a head-start, but it seems this is another case of the tortoise and the hare!
Owls are old and wise... Not this one, he flies around to gather other peoples scripts to archive them here.
It seems the first thing that caught his eye were Fustel’s VX scripts! Whoa! His BDR Height, BDR Tile and BDR Sweep scripts are what all true critters strive for! But seriously, these scripts are what I’d call an must-have for any VX designer!
Gu574v0’s web kit? Well you don’t get much web coverage in the woods, but our city raccoon team have told us that as long as you know how to use it, it has the possibility to revolutionise your RPGXP experience forever... Very interesting!
The Grove of Creation
Impressive name, huh? Just take a look at the stuff inside, it’ll blow your mind!
Bow-chika-wah-wah! Sojournen’s new sexy RTP is looking amazing! Look at it or you’ll miss out!
It’s like living in a bedsit, looking at the chalet across the road!
3D art is having a boom it seems! Check out Ricoman’s 3D renders! Simply amazing!
Bad_AssOverlord’s concept art is looking professional! Go give him your critiques!
Action has made us some literary gems! Head over to the Librar-tree and check ‘em out!
The roleplaying section is dying! Has the spirit of nature left you all? Go there now! Embrace your inner character and give them voice! Don’t let the cruel stone and metal of the human empire rid you of your creativity!
The Grand oak of community
This is the biggest tree in the woods, also where all the critters get together to socialise
Spooky wants to know how old you are! Figuratively speaking that is! How long have you been at HBGames?
Jbrist seems to have a severe aversion to Daxisheart. (Peeing on his territory no doubt.) Jbrist has sworn to shit on his cabbage. When will the scatologicaly described war between these two end?
This is the branch of the Grand oak that is a place for all the playful little critters to sit and play games on their consoles.
Easy or Hard...That is the question! Can you stand the heat, or do you stay out of the kitchen? How do you like your games to challenge you?
What game sequels do you want to see? That’s one topic that touches my heart. Have you ever played a game and never wanted the story to end; but then it does? Post in this topic if you want to make your cry to the idle games designers to get off their lazy asses and make your dream a reality!
The Canopy of entertainment.
The canopy is the best club out there, not only is the floor nice and soft, but the lights are environmentally friendly!
What movies made you cry? We’ve all had those nights where you sit to watch a movie just to cry yourself to sleep. What films have put that rain in your skies?
Goodbye David Tennant... How many of you are sad to see him leave, and how many of you couldn’t’ve had their wish come true sooner? (Dicks.)
The forest boundary.
This is the place where creatures can enter and exit the wood.
We’re welcoming a few members to our happy menagerie!
Among them are:
Some of these old friends are:
Alas, this time, we are bidding farewell to one of our best friends...
Farewell Zeriab. My arms speak for all of us when I say: “*Hugs Zeriab goodbye*”
We hope you’ll be back soon.
*Slinks off into the undergrowth*
Plushie characters were drawn by Shiuk and belong to their own characters, in order:
Shiro, Arkanis, Krave and Zackwell
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