Happy new year!
2010 is gonna be an exciting year for .org or something like that. But here's the lowdown of what happened in the last week of 2009 and the first few days of 2010 whynot...
eZine Issue 3
Issue 3 (or issue 10 (or issue 8 (or issue 2 depending on which numbering system you're going by))) of the eZine has now been released! You know what, let's stick with Issue 10, seeing as it's the first eZine of 2010 and is actually the 10th issue that's been made...
Alongside, a huge thanks to Zeriab, who had the old issues of the 'zine saved: viewtopic.php?f=202&t=68915
The collection is complete muahahahahahahaha etc etc etc.
New quickreply box
The quickreply box has been remade, it now has more space to type, more features (i.e. bbcode buttons and uploader), yet by a magic piece of magickery actually takes up less screen space. viewtopic.php?p=704335#p704335
File uploader
A file uploader, at bb.hbgames.org has now been created, and has been added to quickreply and fullreply views. You can now upload images and files without leaving the posting screen! For more info, please see the announcement topic about it.
RMXP/VX Encrypter
Zeriab has created this amazing encrypter for RPG Maker XP or VX. It speeds up time as it just encrypts, etc. See the topic for more info. It also should solve the 128mb bug which has plagued a lot of people.
What do you need right now?
Check out OS's software request shop in program & utility dev!
Crafting script
Arev has made a cool item crafting script for RPG Maker XP. Check it out!
Kyonides' KyoWatch VX is an interesting clock script for RPG Maker VX.
Blood ofthe Gods
For a first project, for some reason Chinglogo's Blood of the Gods stands out to me in the project forums this week.
The PCP has started up again! If you don't know what it is, it's basically very cool, and well, check the thread for more info. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=69160
The 5YA contest has come to an end. Check out all the crazy projects etc etc etc. Ok I don't know as much about this contest as I could have done and to be honest overlooked it, but there are some stunning projects in the contest. Check the board for it: viewforum.php?f=192
Yoyogames have released GAME MAKER 8, the newest rendition of their fantabulous Game Maker series. This is good software - miles better than RPG Maker - and the great thing is backwards compatability is almost certainly included, and features won't have been removed, only added and embelished upon. Check it out!
Ruby Games Programming
There's been a lot of activity in this forum this week. Check out Kyonides' topics - an RPG in Gosu, and a cool clock which I assume was the basis for their VX script earlier in this thread.
Happy New Year!
I wouldn't normally mention Forum Games in the twodo, because by definition they are normally just shit ways of chilling and wasting time. However, I really really like the Scrabble game which has recently been posted by Perihelion. It requires thought and rules and is basically a good game. Let's see some more forum games like this - or more people playing scrabble.viewtopic.php?f=203&t=69072
Rhythm Heaven
Bacon's made a topic about Rhythm Heaven, which is set to be the next "Addicting yet challenging musical game with charm galore".
I saw adverts for this and lolled, it looks fun.
Do As Infinity
I dunno what it is but moog likes it so check it. Word.
A topic about rights and shit
Doctor Whatnext
David Tennant ;-;
And -spoilershere- ;-;
(Don't even look at this thread if you don't want spoilers btw)