You are all so sweet to take time off for saying goodbye to me. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :cute:
@silver wind: *hugs back*
Take care while I am away.
/me huggles and glomps candle
I'll miss you and the IRC, that's for certain.
I'll try to buy you a man, but no promises as buying a slave is rather bothersome now a days
Thanks :blush:
I dunno really what to say to you. I know that I'll miss you.
Lemme just give you this long hug
*huuuugs* :sad:
I didn't know you too much either. Let's hope we can remedy this when I come back :cute:
Unless you try to destroy .org >_>
It is unfortunately quite true :sad:
We have know each other from the days of RMXP Underground. It has been fun seen you grow :cute:
I also consider you as a good friend and an allied scripter.
I hope HBGE will be done or at least in beta by the time I come back :D
Keep on working hard. You have talent and a lot of potential for getting a good job.
I suggest you try to learn a new language every year or every other year. Also, don't be afraid to try new paradigms like functional programming and logical programming.
It is mainly due to a career move ^_^
I'll try to keep you updated with an email, but no promises.
I hope your life will be bright and nice while I am away.
*huggles Seph*
Aww, thanks :blush:
I am glad you enjoyed digging through my code.
I will definitely have a lot of fun where I am going and I hope I won't be away for too long.
@Capn: *pats*
Probably not.
I will pop up fairly often until I have to leave :D
Uhm... uhm... With vennie not present I dunno ;_;
Maybe you can turn Peri into the new hugging lion :3
I can tell you that I will definitely eat bacon and fry bacon in the future.
@StarGGundam2: *hugs back*
Thanks. I remember you as an eventer. I am sorry if I am wrong.
If I am right then it will please me greatly should you try and bring some more life into the eventer's corner.
You have now made me expect a game from you when I come back >:3
I'll definitely keep hugging no matter where I go >:D
I wish you good luck with your ARGSS and other projects.
Take care.
Regi :cute:
I have admired you for your eventing and general game design skills.
I hope you will continue to make cool, funny and/or sweet games.
I'll definitely miss you.
*gives Fayte a hug as warm as it can be without one having a fever*
I am afraid I cannot please you with that request :sad:
*group-hugs everyone*