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Thinking about learning RGSS...what do I need to know?

I'm going to school for software engineering, but I'm taking a year off to get some $$$. In the meantime, I figure I should keep my coding skills fresh by learning Ruby (C++ crossed my mind but I don't have the patience or a team at the moment, har har).

Yeah I know about the tutorial post in the RMXP Tutorials forum. My question doesn't have so much to do with actually learning Ruby as it does with what I need to know if I want to submit scripts on this site.

I know there's a popular script here (the name escapes me) that attempts to make all scripts run smoother, or more compatible, or something. Would it be in my best interest to make my scripts compatible with that one? Are there any other other things I should know (aside from Ruby itself lol) before I begin scripting that the tutorials may not necessarily tell me?



The submitted scripts by majority conform with the SDK. I think its up to version 2.3. There's a whole section dedicated to coding standards. Makes them more readable easier to understand etc. So I do recommend you comply with it.

  ** 4.0 - Coding Standards

  To be compliant with the SDK, a script must comply with the following
  coding standards:

  4.1  - Commenting
  4.2  - Classes
  4.3  - Variables
  4.4  - Aliases
  4.5  - Strings
  4.6  - Line Length
  4.7  - White Space
  4.8  - Constants
  4.9  - Parentheses
  4.10 - Versions
  * 4.1 - Commenting

  Scripts must begin with the following header :
# ** Script Name
# Your Name
# Version
# Date
# SDK Version : (SDK Version Number) - Parts #s

  All classes and methods must have a comment describing the process or what
  was added. All code added to methods that can not be aliased must be
  formatted as follows:

  # Begin Script Name Edit
  # End Script Name Edit

  Single line comments should precede the described block of code and should be
  indented at the same level. Code that is not self-documenting should be
  However, very short comments can appear on the same line as the described
  code, but should be shifted far enough to separate them from the statements.
  If more than one short comment appears in a chunk of code, they should all be
  indented to the same tab setting. Attribute declarations should always have a
  trailing comment.
  * 4.2 - Classes

  All classes must be named consistently with the default code, namely:
    Data      - Any class that defines database information
    Game      - Any class that defines specific game data for specific session
    Sprite    - Any class that defines a specialized sprite class
    Spriteset - Any class that defines multiple sprites
    Window    - Any class that defines a specialized window class
    Arrow     - Any class that defines a specialized arrow class
    Scene     - Any class that defines a specialized scene
  * 4.3 - Variables

  All variable names must be reasonably descriptive. Use of class and global
  variables should be limited. Any variable used by the default system can not
  have its use changed.
  * 4.4 - Aliases

  Aliasing a method is preferable to overriding it; an alias should be used
  whenever possible to increase compatibility with other scripts. All aliased
  method names must either be logged, or by using the alias_method method in 
  class Module. All alias names must have the following format:

  alias new_method_name old_method_name
  SDK.log_alias(:class_name, :old_method_name, :new_method_name)
  - or -
  alias_method :new_method_name, :old_method_name
  * Format for New Method Name should be:
  yourname_scriptname_classname_methodname / yourname_scriptname_methodname
  ** Note : When Aliasing the same method in parent / child-class, it is
            required for you to put class name in the alias naming.
  * 4.5 ? Strings
  Strings should normally be defined with single quotes ('example'); this
  decreases the processing time of the engine. Double quotes are useful when
  using the following features:
  a) substitutions, i.e. sequences that start with a backslash character
     (e.g. \n for the newline character)
  b) expression interpolation, i.e. #{ expression } is replaced by the value
     of expression
  * 4.6 - Line Length
  Lines should not cause the the viewer to have to scroll sideways to view them
  in the script editor. When the line needs to be broken, it should follow the
  following guidelines, in preferential order:
    Break after a comma.
    Break before an operator.
    Prefer higher-level breaks to lower-level breaks.
    Align the new line with the beginning of the expression at the same level 
    on the previous line.
  If the above rules lead to confusing code or to code that?s squished up 
  against the right margin, just indent 4 spaces instead.
  * 4.7 - White Space
  A blank line(s) should be used in the following places:
    Between sections of a source file
    Between class and module definitions
    Between attributes and the class definition
    Between methods
    Between the local variables in a method and its first statement
    Before a block or single-line comment
    Between logical sections inside a method to improve readability

  Blank spaces should be used in the following places:
    A keyword followed by a parenthesis, e.g. if (some_boolean_statements)
    After commas in argument lists, e.g. def method (arg1, arg2, ...)
    All binary operators except '.', e.g. a + b; c = 1
  * 4.8 - Constants
  Numercial values that are used constantly and have the same purpose 
  for being used, is encouraged to be made a constant value instead of being 
  hard coded. Also if a numericial value has a important function that can be 
  changed then it is also encouraged for it to be made a constant.
  * 4.9 - Parentheses
  It is generally a good idea to use parentheses liberally in expressions 
  involving mixed operators to avoid operator precedence problems. Even if 
  the operator precedence seems clear to you, it might not be to others -? you 
  shouldn?t assume that other programmers know precedence as well as you do.
  * 4.10 - Versions

  You are required to document the script with the current version. Here is a
  general guideline to recording this. (Thanks to Ccoa)
  Format : A.BC (A.B.C is fine except when logging)
  A = Main Version or Rewrites
  B = Additions or Modifications
  C = Bug Fixes
  Due to the version checking, A.B.C will result in an error if used to log
  your script. Please use the A.BC method when logging script.

Things you should know about RGSS...http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=26072&highlight=RGSS+limitations
You don't really have to do that to start with, the majority of scripts will be SDK compatible, ignore the SDK until you know more about RUBY, for now just focus on making small working scripts.

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