Here in the World of Boxes, we pride ourselves for doing the experiments no-one else even thinks of. We were the first, for instance, to discover exactly how sharp leaves are(fairly, by the way!), the originators of the fine art of making doors that go to completely illogical places, and the first to iron out the bugs in two-dimensional life forms(flaws such as the digestive system making organisms fall apart into two parts). We are pioneers.
So it was no surprise to us when we stumbled upon the discovery that nobody had yet tried getting the director of our world, sticking him in a house, sending away his family and sticking a box of Lego he had not seen for many years in front of him for a few hours. We of course immediately conducted this experiment.
Materials- Legoes, director, house, no family, time
Aim- To find out the reaction of a world-crafter when isolated and introduced to potentially creative materials not seen by said person for a period of time.
1. Find a director.
2. Send family away to an event. Make sure this event is of no interest to the director. (We suggest something involving ear-wax.)
3. Introduce Lego. Make sure there is a high concentration of red Lego.
5. Profit!
See for yourself!
That's right. The director took the Lego and constructed a model of Lord Princeton Brickbrack the Third, King of Boxlinton(Who you may call "my lord") out of them.
For a full gallery,
look here!
We are truly perplexed by these results. We can only guess that the director has been sent insane by our world.
We'd just like to note that while Boxes and Legoes have many common features, we are in no way related. It's a common mistake.
We'll leave you with something to ponder- Exactly how hilarious would it be if Lord Princeton Brickbrack the Third, King of Boxlinton and Bull were to meet?