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Thievery: The Heist

Thievery: The Heist

Thievery: The Heist is a level-based game with objectives in each level that you must meet in order to complete the level. You take the role of the thief, looting more progressively prestigious places for more cash. You can use your cash to buy additional items to upgrade your character, learn new skills, or upgrade your secret hideout to get more skills and items. There are 100 levels, over 15 bosses, and many items to collect as you work toward the ultimate goal of riches.

Battle System

As you would guess, the local government isn't going to let you loot easily. The battle system in Thievery is event-based, dealing with reflex based-attacks. If you encounter an enemy, the enemy will flash a color.
  • Flash Red: Hit Enter as soon as possible to parry and counterattack!
  • Flash Blue: This attack cannot be countered, but can be dodged with the "Dodge" ability.
  • Flash Purple: This attack can't be countered or dodged, but probably can be avoided by other means.

If you are able to counter attack, your enemy will take damage equal to your attack power. Enemies have a set life amount before they die and give experience. You can get experience and increase your stats. Your stats are health and energy; health is your total health, and energy is your energy used in abilities.

Abilities are key-bound abilities that allow special effects to happen. There are many skills in the game; some are bought from the trainer in game, others are earned by defeating bosses. The abilities that are key-bound have effects based on which key they are bound to:

  • W-Skills: W-Skills deal with movement and escape, such as a small teleport effect or increasing speed.
  • A-Skills: A-Skills deal with doing damage and increasing damage stats.
  • S-Skills: S-Skills deal with avoiding damage and detection. Dodge fits into this.
  • D-Skills: D-Skills are miscellaneous skills. They can fill a wide variety of uses.
  • Q-Skills: Q-Skills are special skills that use all energy; they're very powerful, but can't be used too often.

Skills can have more than one form. For example, Viel of Darkness has two forms; W-Form and S-Form. W-Form teleports you six spaces forward; S-Form turns you invisible. However, only one form of a skill can be equipped at a time.

Occasionally, during boss battles, Shift-Skills will pop up. Like attacking, you can hit Shift to perform a special one-time skill.


Veil of Shadows: W-Form. You are invisible while transporting.

Dash Slash: A-Form. Doubles attack damage and moves you forward.

Bosses are justice-faring goody-two-shoes that have a job of making you miserable. Bosses have special moves that can deal tons of damage, like Blood Tornado from the Elite Guard boss. Bosses also have higher HP then usual enemies, and are usually the objective of the level they are in. When you kill a boss, either optional or mandatory, they allow you to pick up one of their learnable skills. Killing bosses are always a good thing, especially since they also give large amounts of exp for leveling up!


All these characters exist in your base. Your base is basically a hideout where you can purchase stuff and advance to the next level. You can spend your hard-earned cash and put it towards the advancement of your base, building more prestigious bases as the game goes on. The characters in your base also provide better services and weapons with the higher base level, so upgrading is important if you want to get good skills.

This game is not yet available for download.
Monday, October 13, 2008:
Game thread moved to Project Discussion.
This seems interesting. What puzzles me, however, is why a thief would fight their way through enemies in order to steal stuff - wouldn't it make more sense to be stealthy and invisible? If the main character were some sort of barbarian raider or something it'd make sense, but as is, it just bugs me.
Exactly what I was thinking. Rather than gaining experience from felling enemies, you could just remove experience altogether and make the player gain stats after completing a mission. You could tack on some small houses to pilfer for practice, and maybe work up to houses with sleeping occupants, then awake occupants. You wouldn't get much money, but it'd probably be enough to build up experience to pilfer your first guarded house. You could keep a life bar, but getting hurt would alert most other guards to your location, and bleeding could further ruin your chance at a good raid. Rather than including attack skills, you should instead focus on evasive techniques like teleportation, cloaking, and disguise. A few attacks could still be possible, but mostly slitting throats from behind or taking hostages. Something like this should feel less like Zelda and more like MGS.
Just a few things I'd like to point out:

  • I like the simplicity of the battle system. It's easy to understand. I think you got that down pat.
  • Yes, I agree that a thief should be rewarded for stealth, but I see how you were thinking. It could work well, but I would try to make sure that the player isn't trying to kill everything in his path to level-up.
  • What if you added traps into your game? I didn't read anything about them. Some cameras and trip-wires could add to the stealthy feel, if that's what you want.
  • Gaio: The leader of the thieves in his hideout. He allows you to upgrade your base, and he also allows you to go to the next level.

    Base? Why don't you tell us a little more about that? Is it a place where you up-grade? Does it have any other purpose other than a place between levels? If not, it might come across as "Empty." Players might see it as a failed feature rather than a small add-on.
Base? Why don't you tell us a little more about that? Is it a place where you up-grade? Does it have any other purpose other than a place between levels? If not, it might come across as "Empty." Players might see it as a failed feature rather than a small add-on.

I posted the information about the base.

Either way, is there any other comments? I really think that the game should be a bit more combat based, though the problem is my script requests that would make developing this game much easier have been unanswered...

http://www.rmxp.org/forums/index.php?to ... 79.new#new
Moved as the OP Pmed me stating that they want to add screenshots, thus fulfilling the requirement of this forum. (in other words hurry and post em' or I'ma hafta' lock this yo')



Seems good, and I had the concept of this idea, but got put off. The base/house/hideout thing could be useful in some ways, like you catch a bandit in your base, or you gain extra gold if your base is upgraded to max, or being able to forge stuff with diffrent stats (Ability to spot, size, usefulness etc..). When you think about it, and play as many games as I do, so you can rip & modify ideas for them, you can think of something pretty nifty with stuff like this.

Combat... Ooo, I do NOT know how this would fit in much for a theif, unless it was stuff like... using the enviroment to kill your oponent (Like push them in lava that they're conveniantly beside, using rocks to crush them, push 'em of a tall structure... blah blah blah.)

Also, what would gold be actually used for? I mean, I have to complete a mission to advance to the next one? or I can pick anything? I can pick anything out of a range of missions that are suited to my playing ability?  Hmmm.

Game over, If the police caught a theif, would they execute him, or throw him in the cells? Cells, right? escaping from prison instead of just dying would be a fun experience for me. Picklocking the gate, using that picklock to cut a guard throat, and using his uniform to slip out?

Gore! Not alot of games have gore in them, so try to get some bloody animations for a nice effect! I'd personaly LOVE to see blood spurting from a guard neck instead of them just floping to the floor. :D

Having a villain as a main character has prooven quite succesful, and I'm sure it would pwn.

This shows alot of promise. Luv it! :D
Promising project  :wink:
Some suggestions.

TRAPS. On the right places.
Nonlinerality. ,,Wanna raid through the base, or sneak in the shadows? It's up to YOU!"
Some kind of AI. For example, if a guard walks over the bleeding body of his pal, then make him react... hehe, Hitman feeling.
Oh yeah, prodding them into lava! Changing into their uniforms!

Good luck on the project!
combat actually sounds very complicated to me.  hopefully it doesn't take a brain surgeon to use the basics.  and what i didn't like the sound of was that if you 'attack without being attacked first' you become stunned.  heh?  sounds like a penalty for trying to just kill stuff instead of being stealthy.  to each thief his own way, i say!  :D

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