Juan J. Sánchez
My school has a dress code, which I completely support. I strongly believe a dress code teaches discipline and moral integrity. Besides, the school mostly teaches Medicine, and students look nice with shirts, ties and labcoats. Anyhow, the dress code is not the issue at hand. It turns out they didn't let in a black student on campus because he had dreads. Now, though the dress code doesn't mention anything specifically regarding dreads, it does mention how long you can have your hair. The problem seems to be someone (probably a dumb security guard) said or implied he had "black hair", and the student's aunt turned out to be an influential politician, and they made a freaking scandal, accusing the institution of being racist, which I swear they're not. I have Chinese, Black, White, and Brown friends, Catholics, Protestants, Christians, Adventists, and atheists. This just blows my mind. I hate living in such a small country, where everything can be a huge issue. It's a private University, and they should have the right to admit whomever they want to admit.