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thelivingphoenix's pixel/concept art shop

Okay, I might not be the best artist in the world, but I do have some skill. :-p  I can't afford to do stuff for free right now because my time is too valuable, but I thought I would post some of the stuff I have done already here and see if anyone's interested in commissioning some graphics from me.

Concept art examples:

My first digital painting I did a few years ago.




Pixel art examples:



Please don't use any of these graphics I posted here for your games. These are for a project that I'm currently working on, but they're the only example of my pixel art that I have right now.

I could also do facesets similar to the quality (not necessarily the same style as) my avatar that you see on the left. 

Not really sure how much to charge, but if anyone's interested, just PM me and we can work something out.
You may not be the best artist in the world but you're certainly among the best around here. That first one is really nice, I'm sure you'll have no trouble getting commissions!
haha, I hope not. :-p I need the money right now while I'm trying to get my other business off the ground. :-p

Another project I'm working on in my spare time is ripping all the graphics from Chrono Trigger for a secret project I'll be kick starting as soon as I have time to work on it.  A "sequel" of sorts, but what I'm thinking of doing hasn't been done before.  Or probably even thought of.  After I get done ripping them and making the tilesets (every background graphic and object in the game), I'll provide those to anyone here who wants to PM me and ask for them.  I probably won't host them anywhere for just random people to download, though.  CT is one of the few games that holds a special place in my heart (for complicated reasons I'd rather not disclose :-p) and I wouldn't want to see just anyone taking the tilesets that I worked so hard at making so they could make a shoddy CT sequel where Crono and Marle get married or something else equally predictable. >.>;;;

So, the community should be seeing some more things from me relatively soon in the area of graphics... that is, if I don't lose my apartment first. >.>;; :-p
Wow actually, I'm impressed. I especially love that pixel art rock wall, the palette is very nice, and the texture is demonstrated perfectly :3

The desert panorama also uses colors effectively. It's interesting to look at.
uhm.. i wanted to ask, if EX and i could use the column and stalagmit?
We want to create an epichal adventure and need some really cool stuff for our Tilesets.
You´ll earn Credit Entry in Special graphics and more if you wish.
Sir Lord Biowulve":3rs4y7r3 said:
uhm.. i wanted to ask, if EX and i could use the column and stalagmit?
We want to create an epichal adventure and need some really cool stuff for our Tilesets.
You´ll earn Credit Entry in Special graphics and more if you wish.

I answered this question in my initial post... those pixel art graphics are for an original game of my own that I'm working on and I posted them because they are the only example of pixel art that I have right now. 

Thank you for viewing

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