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The Screenshot Thread

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Your town looks really good. Your "Ingame Screenshot" maybe needs some more flowers and another style of grass. But in the Editor (Mountain Path) it looks good. I especially like the cliffs.
Heres another pic of my new tileset. Again, the mapping is just thrown together, but I added some objects to the set.
Ideas or comments?




Wow, Billy, that screen is so dark I can't really see anything but the hutch, crate, and a couple other things.
ccoa said:
Wow, Billy, that screen is so dark I can't really see anything but the hutch, crate, and a couple other things.
What? O_o My screen's brightness is adjusted to the normal setting and I can see the screenshot just fine.
Well, he also put a fog on this map. Even thouh I don't think it's too dark. It's just... ~creepy~ or ~mysterious~, it maybe even looks a bit ~old~..
Though it looks good as-is, I suppose it could look more like an "active" bazaar if you added street performers. Maybe replace the pond in the middle with a small stage and add dancers or jugglers or musicians or something. Actually, I like the pond so dont replace it, but maybe add a stage further up north.
It looks pretty cherry to me, maybe add some brighter characters. And the girl in the bottom left corner looks like she's standing on the plant tree thingy.



Mack made some great street performers, if you don't have them already.

@Meadow - Not everyone's screens display things the same way, you know. The brightness on mine is about midrange for its settings, and I couldn't navigate that map without extreme frusteration.
Yes, everyone knows I like dark screens, dark graphics, and dark stuff in general. I even wear all dark stuff. But let's all keep in mind that when playing the game in full screen it is way brighter. The tileset is actually bright, it's the fog I 'm using that makes it dark.

@Lust Dragon: That is a great map. I only wish I could put tiles together that good.
I don't understand this minimap... what do those colors mean? you are standing right in front of a h ouse in the screen... isn't it on the minimap?



Well, i just think that sumtimes it doesn't look realistic when you have the grass going around the shape of the house. other than that, your minimap script worx like a charm.
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