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The Postality Knights

Hey guys, this afternoon I had this great idea for a short game about an eleven year old, anyway just tell me what you think of this short plot base. (and yes it is ment to be slightly clich'e)

All was well in the world, until one day, some 11 year old boy named Billy Billson had just finished his trial period of 30 days for his most loved computer program "Rpg Maker XP". As he reached to open the program from his start menu it diplayed a messege read "Trial Expired" and it gave him a link to the legal version, he clicked the link, but the moment he did he regretted it, "$60 for the legal version!" he cried out in distaste. "Yeah right!" he said as he clickied onto his google tab, *tap tap tap* the text that he had searched read "free rpg maker xp". "What's this?" said Billy wth a sly smirk on his face, *click* *Download*. Billy watched in excitement as the bar went up, "This is gonna be awsome!" said Billy as his Mother walked in. "What's that?" said his mother observing the title "totally free not $60 illegal rpg maker xp", "well that sounds illegal" mshe said. "Nah mum!", "It's for homework!" said Billy as he opened the zip folder to extract it. "Well as long as it's for school then it doesn't  matter" said his mother as she took the washing basket she was holding out into the hall.

After it had finished extracting Billy clciked on the program exe., worst....mistake....ever....

The second the program opened, Billy's computer made a very high beeping noise and crashed, Leavking Billy with a single sentence on screen. "Thank You". "Well that's odd" said Billy as he rocked back on his chair to turn the computer back on. He logged back in, only to find that his desktop was now a picture of an animated blue dragon with a boy clad in orange armour and hair riding it, he recognised the character as Aluxes from rpg maker and was opening the program back up when he noticed that the dragon seemed to be getting closer by the second. This time the program opened successfully and he opened the database to add his usual graphics. But he got a shock when he looked at the "Hero" list in the database, as it was lacking the name "Aluxes" and instead "Arshes" was written in his spot. He took a look at what the character sprite was, but he found no character sprite or battler. He lent back in his chair, more puzzled than ever. "what if I wasto add the character Aluxes back in" he said as he opened the import section. "lets see here... fighter02, fighter03,mage01...", "What the Hell? There's no fighter01 in this import" he said as he minimised the program...

"AhhhH!" he screamed as he found that his dektop background of the dragon was now so close that he could see the dragon's teeth. ""I think that desktop is getting a delete" he said as he  opened his pictures, he jumped back when he realised that all of his pictures had been rerplaced by images of 9 knights all clad in dark blue armour wih a black, flat looking dragon printed on their chests. These pictures were also animated and appeared to be running towards the screen.

It was only after Billy had bumped the off butten that he felt easy again.

"Now is no time to be settlinmg Billy" said, surprisingly, his computer tower in a deep voice. "For this nightmare has only just begun!" said another deep voice from inside his tower, then a sword breached the glass of his computer screen and a 7ft tall knight emerged from his computer, "Your horror has just begun!" said the knight as he plunged his huge sword into billyu impaling him. 8 more knights emerged from the screen followed by who appeared to be Aluxes, "All your world are belong to us!" the ten of trhem chanted as they rushed outside, killing all who got in their way.

So what do you think?



First of all, game stories do not go here, they go in the projects forum.  This board is for users to share their original (and not so) non-game stories.

Second, I think you need to read up on story structure and grammar.  I had a hard time reading this because all the dialogue was compressed into full paragraphs.  Dialogue is supposed to start a new paragraph after each character change and at regular intervals for monologues.
Second, I think you need to read up on story strucure and gramar
Ahem *cough* *cough* Doctor, Heal thine own self ...

But, seriously, Mate, he's right. That story is ok, but It could be clearer and it could definitely use some grammar. Good Luck.



So I misspelled two words.  You try typing with a cast on and while your supposed to be listening to your Flash prof prattle on about things you probably know better than he does.
Well I don't know. This does seem more like a story than an intro to a game, despite it being in regards to a game he's thinking about making. Loofah you can have me move it if you'd prefer feedback on your game idea, but if you're looking for story critique, I'll leave it here.
First of all, game stories do not go here, they go in the projects forum.  This board is for users to share their original (and not so) non-game stories.

Depends on how its presented, really. Like Venetia said, if it's just for feedback on the written work itself, it's fine here.

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