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The One Who Became A Hero

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'could be spyware infested porn for all we know! (yay lumi!)
(also you type too BIG)
Ok, it's not porn at least, but here's what i think to far:

story: uhhh.... what? this needs to be fleshed out considerably. so jason poofs away for no reason. david is suddenly in another dimmension, and has to kill a mage for an unknown reason, and find his freind and fall in love and- wait. fall in love with who? unless this guys gay (in the faggotastic sense), you have mentioned NO female characters.

characters: ok, apparently these guys are also faceless. whats not to love/hate? that needs work.

features: can't really say much about this.

maps: not the best mapper, but i can say this; TO MUCH OPEN SPACE! in the part 2 of the inn, there's enough room to fit the entire Amur leopard population. (obscure wildlife references DMTS). not good.
on the first map in the game, with the weather effects, you need... a shrubbery! multiple shrubberies in fact. it's to open.

and that's all i have to say.
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