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The Most Awful/Stupidest Video Game Name(s)

After playing a good number of games, I tend to remember reading some of the most idiotic, half-arsed sayings and names to ever grace a game. Being that it's on my mind, I will make a thread about it! :D

So in your opinion, what names that appeared in video games (homebrew and commercial) did you consider to completely... err... You know what I mean. This can range from character names, game title, and whatever landmark in the game.

For my list, I do say it's long. The ones displayed are just part of it all, and from those Sonic the Hedgehog game manuals:

> Ball Hog - Don't you just love puns?
> Turtloids - Really creative...
> The Penguinator - Arnold should have intervened.
> Mush Meanie - It's funny in its own little way.
> Skorps - Too blunt for me...
> Caterkiller - Won't give it so many bad points, since it's classic.

Landmark Names:
> The Sleeping Egg Zone - So that's where the eggs go to sleep...
> The Scrambled Egg Zone - U LIEK PUNZ!!? I L1EK PUNZ! :B
> The Scrap Brain Zone - Bad brains go here.
FINAL Fantasy 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10.5, 11, 12 - blah
Fantasy Legend 2, 3 - blah

Oh - as for places:
Gotta love "Town". Let's go to "Town".
Thank god for Commodore 64 or I wouldn't have known you can live somewhere that has a sign that actually reads "Now Entering Town"!!!

Oh- yeah, for the third edit of this post- let's not forget the greatest worsening in the history of videogamedom!
"Bug Bug". There was a game for the TG16 that had all these weird types of enemies. Such as Cat Owl - which would would be a flying cat thing who attacked by spinning it's head and spitting sparks or something, a Tiger Bear - which would be a striped bear, and Wolf Turtle - a wolf with a turtle shell. All these weird enemies that are really just two separate enemies somehow frankencloned together. Except for the 2nd stage's boss. "Bug Bug". Who was a rather large generic beetle like bug.

Ruined the whole point of fighting God's hiccups. They couldn't even be clever and make it a Rhino Beetle or some crap. No... we have Bug Bug...

Check that out. Kinda funny.

My faves:

"Wild Woody" - Holy crapamoli frijoles, that's too easy.

"Spanky's Quest" - Main chara's a monkey. Wowie.

"Sticky Balls" - Oh, the sexual connotations, how they amuse me.

"Booby Kids" - It was made in 1987, so it begs the question: Can a man flog to ASCII pr0n? (I don't know if it was a pr0n game. Probably not)

"Nuts & Milk" - Seriously? Who the heck okay'ed that??

"Irritating Stick" - No, it's not lethal, or even dangerous. It's just a little annoying.
Venetia;271731 said:

Check that out. Kinda funny.

My faves:

"Wild Woody" - Holy crapamoli frijoles, that's too easy.

"Spanky's Quest" - Main chara's a monkey. Wowie.

"Sticky Balls" - Oh, the sexual connotations, how they amuse me.

"Booby Kids" - It was made in 1987, so it begs the question: Can a man flog to ASCII pr0n? (I don't know if it was a pr0n game. Probably not)

"Nuts & Milk" - Seriously? Who the heck okay'ed that??

"Irritating Stick" - No, it's not lethal, or even dangerous. It's just a little annoying.

That was friggin' great. xD

Hmm... I remember playing "Nuts & Milk", quite a decent game with a bad name.

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