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The Lost Virginity Topic

this thread serves two purposes, post to tell funny interresting or fucked up virginity loses, and first time sexual experiences, and secondly, so we can laugh at wyatt who won't find a reason outside of rosey palm to post.  And if he does we're closing this fucking thread the moment he does.

I guess I'll start.
Because well, I have to.  I opened the thread.  And I'm gonna be completely assanine and post THREE - count them THREE (AH AH AH) virginity loses D:
Just to leave this crap open to for some of our more pathetic members - you know who you are, and the sad thing is we know too :s

At around eight or nine or so a friend of my sister's brought me into my sister's room and locked the door - since that room locked at the time, and proceeded to beat the living shit out of me.  My sister is 6 years older about, and the friend a tad older, so you can figure out the age, and then that lead to -apparently- heterosexual vaginal rape.  Which is a funny phrase.  Heterosexual vaginal raping.
So there.  There's your tragic story.  A eight year old getting beat up and raped by a pedophile chick and couldn't tell the story for a while cause when he did no one believed him, he got beat up more, and eventually like just tried to joke about it.  There.  You can now officially post your fucked up shit stories, I opened the gates for ya.

Okay, the "second" virginity lose, which is the humorous one.  Here we go.
*ahem* First actual girl friend, two weeks and we're all awkward.  So we were making a bet about something, who could get away with the bigger lies and things like that, stupid shit.  Who would beat who in -god fucking trivia games and shit.  So nerdy.  So we kept raising the stakes.  And boom.  Intercourse!  11 year old's getting some!  Except 11 year old doesn't know what he's doing.  And fumbles.  And... almost goes deaf with a resounding scream as he enters the wrong hole.  So eventually gets it right, but is so embarrassed now he can't really perform.  And the li'l girlfriend is still giving off an angry glare.  And ends up just kind've deciding to do something else altogether.  All awkward.  And wondering with his 11 year old mind, "Does this count?"

So yeah.  Funny embarrassing stories, go for it - I got ya there first too.

Ho-ho but I'm not done yet!
We still have an "actual" virginity lose D:
Even though I lost it at age 8 and a half, some people would say "no, no no - that doesn't count! you're still a Wyatt".  Apparently virginity is something you don't "lose" it's something you "give" to someone.  So even with that, well, I still got the 11 year old story where I bumbled up and -oops wrong hole, but again.  "no, no, no," some would say, because I hadn't "finished".  Apparently for some, you actually need to ejaculate.  So to them, I was still a Wyatt.

So here I am.  Recovering from the eventual break up with my first real girlfriend.  I'm 12 now.  And I have another girlfriend.  And this time we're in the backseat of her mom's car.  And no, her mom's not around - we just took the keys and went there cause it was parked around the corner, inconspicuous, and had -best of all to a 12 year old like us- tainted windows :D

There's "magic in the air", and everythings nice.  And, without thought, the heavy petting turns around.  Whoa, feeling her slight boobage for the first time and being all "whoa i'm touching her boob :D" and just pathetic for a 12 year old back in the day.  I mean everyone acted tough, and like they knew everything, but how many actually did?  And next thing I know, I'm in there.  And a whole like 10 minutes later I'm tired.  And exhausted.  And, even to the nay sayers before, no longer a Wyatt.

I had done the deed both completely, and of my own accord!  And it was "romantic" and there was "snuggling" and there was li'l kid pre-teen 60 all happy and boastful in his own mind.  So there's your happy story too!

Now get to fucking posting.  You have no excuses not to share.
Tragedy.  Comedy.  Romance.  We've got the corner stones of entertainment covered, so post away.
Lost it up against a wall with a 5'2'' asian girl whilst there were bums yelling.

Not romantic. Not fun. Not that long either.

This should be a funny topic nonetheless.
So, you lost your virginity at age 8, 11, and 12?
Lucky bastard. ):<
And you got it in the back of the car at age 12?

Anyways, I lost my virginity last year. Yay. :D I was 13 and my 15 year old girlfriend [ha. ha. ha.] had a bet, which involved finding out who could not use the word "a" and "the" for the longest. So we both picked what happened if the other person won. Well, being a guy, I decided to bring up sex and BAM it all started from there.
I won, and we did it in her bed.
Ohohoho I was 13 or 14 and just did it with a cute asian girl from my class.  It wasn't great but it was better than my first time with a guy, I'm assuming because I enjoy clitoral stimulation over heavy thrusting and guys don't do the clit thing, but the memory's fuzzy.  What I DO remember is walking out of my room with her after it was all over, and we were about to go to out to the mall or something, and yelling down the hall at my mom "HEY MOTHER I JUST ATE OUT A PUSSY AND LIKED IT"
Joe Biden":237hgktr said:
Ohohoho I was 13 or 14 and just did it with a cute asian girl from my class.  It wasn't great but it was better than my first time with a guy, I'm assuming because I enjoy clitoral stimulation over heavy thrusting and guys don't do the clit thing, but the memory's fuzzy.  What I DO remember is walking out of my room with her after it was all over, and we were about to go to out to the mall or something, and yelling down the hall at my mom "HEY MOTHER I JUST ATE OUT A PUSSY AND LIKED IT"

Are you a guy or girl?!?! o_O

60's a stud thats all there is to it.

Master is jail bati. :X

Des is da man.

I'm a douche.

Alexis is a virgin.

Wyatt is well I don't even know.

And oh yeah the first time I had intercourse I couldn't cum for shit. then after we just stopped It just explodes everywhere and got all over her purse and various body parts. :/

Smooth moves wario.
alexis":2ii97tzr said:
why was everyone so young idgi

Because when you're young things happen. You see Alexis when a boy and a girl like each other sometimes they share special feelings. These feelings are called "love"

Yada yada yada y'know how that talk goes. But shit happens I guess. I didn't lose my till I was 17 if it makes you feel better. :]
I lost my virginity on my period

and we had sex pretty much everyday for the next 3 months we dated

and then i didn't have sex for almost 2 years

You get bonus points because you were on your period. And whoa thats a serious dry spell. I haven't had any action since february though. :[

Anyways wow Dawne I had my suspicions but you're one horny mofo.

And 60's last venture was pretty cute. :]



Commander Wyatt":22nutxxi said:
Alexis lets meat up irl and lose our virginities together <3


Makasu":22nutxxi said:
alexis":22nutxxi said:
why was everyone so young idgi

Because when you're young things happen. You see Alexis when a boy and a girl like each other sometimes they share special feelings. These feelings are called "love"

Yada yada yada y'know how that talk goes. But shit happens I guess. I didn't lose my till I was 17 if it makes you feel better. :]

First time with a guy was awkward, absurdly painful, and totally unpleasant. I was 16. And it was done during the day after skipping school. In the middle, his mom came home, we got caught with our clothes half-on inside his closet, and I had to walk like miles and miles to get home. Though I guess I was still a Wyatt since I didn't get off? IDK

First time with a girl I was 14. I was with a good friend of mine. We'd gone skinny dipping out in her pool, and I guess we got all shocked and excited so we ran up to her room and went to town. I didn't even know I liked girls yet, but that really cemented it for me. Funny thing is, she's totally 100% hetero today. It was actually one of the best experiences I've had that I can remember, but unfortunately just as we were finishing up her grandma walked in on us having a naked lunch :x

First time I actually got off doing the deed was on my 17th b-day, with my bf who now is my husband. So yay.

Though even today, 4th base is not very pleasant for me. I like the other bases, including the secret "5th base" much better.
Ok, this is a true story. I don't care if nobody believes me, becuase it's gonna be hard, but anywho...

My mom was dating this guy named Maurice, we moved in with him and they were together for about 2 years I believe. I was 12 when we first moved in. Anywho, we were living in Hampden, Maine(If anyone knows where that is...), and he had 2 indian daughters...there names were Tiffany and Jenna. So after being there for awhile, I became kinda close with them I guess you could say. lol...One of them was 13, the other was 12, and it was awsome to say the least. So, one day when Maurice and my mom were both gone, and I was alone with them both, we decided to have a little fun. We went into a walk in closet which was in the upstairs spare bedroom, and I began making out with the both of them. Well, one thing lead to another, and I think you guys can figure out the rest. I ended up having sex with the both of them at the same time, and it was awsome. This happend when I was almost at the age of 13. That's when I lost my virginity.  :thumb:

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