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The Lost Scripts (Search for Lost Scripts Here)

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The Lost Scripts
The Quest to Find Scripts Continues

Purpose :
      The purpose of this thread is to search for scripts you know exist, but cannot find them on the board. Please, make sure you check DerVVulfman's Forum Script Listings and The Lost Scripts Archive.

Rules :
  • Give as much information about the scripts you are looking for. If you know the author, name of the script, or even a description, post them. 
  • If someone post a demo, do not ask for the script. If someone post the script, do not ask for a demo. Figure it out or make a help topic. We want this thread solely for finding lost scripts. 
  • When someone post a answer to your request, please use the report button so a Trickster or I can update the thread. 
  • DO NOT BUMP THIS THREAD. It is pointless. People who help here will apear often, and its pinned. Just be patient.

Current Searches :
Squall's Junction System
Noobitron's Breath of Fire battle system
Multiplayer Split Screen System
Field Item Menu
More than 1 Same Actor
Prexus CMS:
ryanwh":1836sg23 said:
Hmm. How about prexus's menu script that showed full body poses that went from black and white to color when the character was selected. Anyone know what Im talking about? He made a ton of menus that have since been lost, only his best menu's still around but the other ones were good too.
Fuso CMS System(s):
Cresten":1836sg23 said:
Im looking for ANY CMS systems made by Fuso.

Anyone got any? (Especially looking for the one that shows battlers in the main menu screen. He did it as a request at .net, Im sure of it.)
fozziebear":1836sg23 said:
Hey, I was wondering if anyone still had that script that allowed for skills that allowed them to cost HP instead of MP or both? Thanks.
~Atlaswing~":1836sg23 said:
Has anyone saved the MAP ZOOM script before the hack?
angelicgemini":1836sg23 said:
Does anyone know where, the chapter script is, please can someone tell me.
geox-2.0":1836sg23 said:
Can someone find me the original Icon command, cause i found it a few weeks ago but my game data screwed so I lost it and cant find it...........
Lockheart":1836sg23 said:
Anyone have a copy of that UMS that was posted shortly after Ccoas? Just before the crash/hack, ccoa posted her UMS then someone else posted another, and I'd like to get it again since I lost it. anyone have it or know if the person will/is going to post it again?

Resolved Searches :
8-Way Movement System:
Wachunga's Random Map Generator
Acedent Prone's FFVII Menu System
Prexus CMS
Rataime Shadow Effect
To use make an event with the comments:

begin Shadow Source
anglemin 0
anglemax 360
distancemax 350
Dynamic Shop Systems
  • Astro_Mech
  • Nick (Find it in The Lost Scripts Archive)
Stargate Dialer System
I've been looking for a ability point (AP) skill system for a while, but I've had no luck finding it. Does one exist? Basically, you can assign skills to have a AP requirement to use, and you earn AP by defeating enemies or winning battles, and when the AP cost for a skill is met, it becomes Mastered, or in simple terms...usable.
@Boon: Here ya go:


# ** Map Screenshot Maker


# SephirothSpawn

# Version 1.1

# 2007-07-21

# SDK : Version 2.0+, Part I


# * Version History :


#   Version 1 ---------------------------------------------------- (2007-07-20)

#    Version 1.1 ------------------------------------------------- (2007-07-21)

#     - Update : Made it so it saves multiple png files for bigger maps.

#    Version 1.1.1 -Brew -------------------- (25Mar08)

#     - Fixed sprite position. Added 'Q' button option with autoname 

#       'mapname'.png, removed SDK dependence.


# * Requirements :


#   Method & Class Library (2.1+)


# * Description :


#   This script was designed to allow you to make a single screenshot of your 

#   entire map. In constructions a still image of the tilemap, panorama, fog,

#   event and player sprites, weather, picture sprites and the timer. It then

#   exports the files to a filename you specify, and saves it in PNG format.


# * Instructions :


#   Place The Script Below Scene_Debug and Above Main.


#   To make a screenshot, use: MapScreenshotMaker.take(filename)

#   Or hit the 'Q' button while on a map. 



# * Syntax :


#   Taking Map Screenshot

#    - MapScreenshotMaker.take(filename, dir)


#   You do not need to specify filename, as it defaults to a 'Test.png'

#   You do not need to specify dir, as it defaults to 'Graphics/Saved Images'

#   The extension .png does not need to be included in the filename.


# * Special Thanks :


#   Prexus, for requesting and beta testing




# * SDK Log Script


#SDK.log('Map Screenshot Maker', 'SephirothSpawn', 1.1, '2007-07-21')

#SDK.check_requirements(2.0, [], {'Method & Class Library' => 2.1})



# * Begin SDK Enable Test


#if SDK.enabled?('Map Screenshot Maker')



# ** Spriteset_Map



class Spriteset_Map


  # * Public Instance Variables


  attr_reader :tilemap

  attr_reader :panorama

  attr_reader :fog

  attr_reader :character_sprites

  attr_reader :weather

  attr_reader :picture_sprites

  attr_reader :timer_sprite




# ** Scene_Map



class Scene_Map


  # * Public Instance Variables


  attr_reader :spriteset


  alias screenshot_update update


  def initialize

    $data_mapinfo = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rxdata")



  def update

    if Input.trigger?(Input::L)

      #make filename from map name

      filename = $data_mapinfo[$game_map.map_id].name

      #take the shot


      #show message that it finished

      print "Saved " + filename + ".png"







# ** RPG::Weather



class RPG::Weather


  # * Bitmap


  def bitmap

    # Create Bitmap

    bitmap = Bitmap.new(640, 480)

    # Pass Through @sprites

    @sprites.each do |sprite|

      next unless sprite.visible

      next if sprite.bitmap.nil?

      bitmap.blt(sprite.x, sprite.y, sprite.bitmap, sprite.bitmap.rect)


    # Return Bitmap

    return bitmap





# ** MapScreenshotMaker



module MapScreenshotMaker


  # * Max Image Size


  Max_Image_Size = nil


  # * Take


#  def self.take(filename = 'Map Screenshot', dir = 'Graphics/Saved Images/')

  def self.take(filename = 'Map Screenshot', dir = '')

    # Return If Not Map Scene

    return unless $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map)

    # Gets Spriteset

    spriteset = $scene.spriteset

    # Create Bitmap

    bitmap = Bitmap.new($game_map.width * 32, $game_map.height * 32)

    # Draw Chracter Sprites

    self.draw_character_sprites(bitmap, spriteset, 'sprite.z >= -1000')

    # Draw Panorama

    if spriteset.panorama.visible

      if spriteset.panorama.bitmap != nil

        b = spriteset.panorama.bitmap

        opacity = spriteset.panorama.opacity

        x_times = (bitmap.rect.width / b.rect.width.to_f)

        x_times = x_times.ceil == x_times.to_i ? 

          x_times.to_i : x_times.to_i + 1

        y_times = (bitmap.rect.width / b.rect.width.to_f)

        y_times = y_times.ceil == y_times.to_i ? 

          y_times.to_i : y_times.to_i + 1

        self.tile_bitmap(bitmap, b, x_times, y_times, opacity)



    # Draw Chracter Sprites

    c = '!sprite.z.between?(-1000, -1)'

    self.draw_character_sprites(bitmap, spriteset, c)

    # Draw Layer 1

    self.draw_tilemap_layer(bitmap, spriteset, 0)

    # Draw Chracter Sprites

    c = '!sprite.z.between?(0, 149)'

    self.draw_character_sprites(bitmap, spriteset, c)

    # Draw Layer 2

    self.draw_tilemap_layer(bitmap, spriteset, 1)

    # Draw Chracter Sprites

    c = '!sprite.z.between?(150, 299)'

    self.draw_character_sprites(bitmap, spriteset, c)

    # Draw Layer 3

    self.draw_tilemap_layer(bitmap, spriteset, 2)

    # Draw Chracter Sprites

    c = '!sprite.z.between?(300, 999)'

    self.draw_character_sprites(bitmap, spriteset, c)

    # Draw Weather Sprite

    x_times = (bitmap.rect.width / 640.0)

    x_times = x_times.ceil == x_times.to_i ? x_times.to_i : x_times.to_i + 1

    y_times = (bitmap.rect.width / 480.0)

    y_times = y_times.ceil == y_times.to_i ? y_times.to_i : y_times.to_i + 1

    self.tile_bitmap(bitmap, spriteset.weather.bitmap, x_times, y_times)

    # Draw Chracter Sprites

    c = '!sprite.z.between?(1000, 2999)'

    self.draw_character_sprites(bitmap, spriteset, c)

    # Draw Fog Sprite

    if spriteset.fog.visible

      if spriteset.fog.bitmap != nil

        b = spriteset.fog.bitmap

        opacity = spriteset.fog.opacity

        x_times = (bitmap.rect.width / b.rect.width.to_f)

        x_times = x_times.ceil == x_times.to_i ? 

          x_times.to_i : x_times.to_i + 1

        y_times = (bitmap.rect.width / b.rect.width.to_f)

        y_times = y_times.ceil == y_times.to_i ? 

          y_times.to_i : y_times.to_i + 1

        self.tile_bitmap(bitmap, b, x_times, y_times, opacity)



    # Draw Chracter Sprites

    self.draw_character_sprites(bitmap, spriteset, 'sprite.z < 3000')

    # Draw Picture Sprites 

    self.draw_picture_sprites(bitmap, spriteset, 'sprite.z >= 500')

    # Draw Sprite Timer

    if spriteset.timer_sprite.visible

      if spriteset.timer_sprite.bitmap != nil

        self.blt(spriteset.timer_sprite.x, spriteset.timer_sprite.y,

          spriteset.timer_sprite.bitmap, spriteset.timer_sprite.opacity)



    # Draw Picture Sprite

    self.draw_picture_sprites(bitmap, spriteset, 'sprite.z < 500')

    # Save Bitmap

    if Max_Image_Size != nil && (bitmap.rect.width  > Max_Image_Size || 

       bitmap.rect.height > Max_Image_Size)

      # Gets X & Y Max Times

      x_times = (bitmap.rect.width / Max_Image_Size.to_f)

      x_times = x_times.ceil == x_times.to_i ? 

        x_times.to_i : x_times.to_i + 1

      y_times = (bitmap.rect.width / Max_Image_Size.to_f)

      y_times = y_times.ceil == y_times.to_i ? 

        y_times.to_i : y_times.to_i + 1

      # Split Up Bitmap Into Sections

      for x in 0...x_times

        for y in 0...y_times

          # Get src rect

          src_rect = Rect.new(x * Max_Image_Size, y * Max_Image_Size,

            [bitmap.rect.width  - x * Max_Image_Size, Max_Image_Size].min,

            [bitmap.rect.height - y * Max_Image_Size, Max_Image_Size].min)

          # Creates New Bitmap

          b = Bitmap.new(src_rect.width, src_rect.height)

          b.blt(0, 0, bitmap, src_rect)

          # Saves Bitmap

          b.make_png("#{filename}_#{x}-#{y}", dir)

          # Update Graphics Module




    # If Within Max Size


      # Saves Bitmap

      bitmap.make_png(filename, dir)




  # * Tile Bitmap


  def self.tile_bitmap(main, sub, x_times, y_times, a = 255)

    for x in 0...x_times

      for y in 0...y_times

        main.blt(x * sub.rect.width, y * sub.rect.height, sub, sub.rect, a)





  # * Draw Character Sprites


  def self.draw_character_sprites(bitmap, spriteset, c)

    # Pass Through Character Sprites

    spriteset.character_sprites.each do |sprite|

      # Skip If Not Visible or Nil Bitmap

      next if sprite.visible == false || sprite.bitmap.nil?

      # Skip If Condition

      next if (eval c)

      # Draw Sprite On Bitmap

      xoff = sprite.bitmap.width / 8 - ($game_map.display_x / 4)

      yoff = sprite.bitmap.height / 4 - ($game_map.display_y / 4)

      bitmap.blt(sprite.x - xoff, sprite.y - yoff, sprite.bitmap, sprite.src_rect, 





  # * Draw Picture Sprites


  def self.draw_picture_sprites(bitmap, spriteset, c)

    # Pass Through Character Sprites

    spriteset.picture_sprites.each do |sprite|

      # Skip If Not Visible or Nil Bitmap

      next if sprite.visible == false || sprite.bitmap.nil?

      # Skip If Condition

      next if (eval c)

      # Draw Sprite On Bitmap

      bitmap.blt(sprite.x, sprite.y, sprite.bitmap, sprite.src_rect, 





  # * Draw Tilemap Layer


  def self.draw_tilemap_layer(bitmap, spriteset, layer)

    # Get Map Data & Priorities

    map_data   = $game_map.data

    priorities = $game_map.priorities

    tileset    = $game_map.tileset_name

    autotiles  = $game_map.autotile_names

    # Passes Through Layers

    for z in 0...map_data.zsize

      # Passes Through X Coordinates

      for x in 0...map_data.xsize

        # Passes Through Z Coordinates

        for y in 0...map_data.ysize

          # Collects Tile ID

          id = map_data[x, y, z]

          # Skip if 0 tile

          next if id == 0

          # Get Tile Priority

          p = priorities[id]

          # Cap Priority to Layer 3

          p = 2 if p > 2

          # Next If P isn't layer id

          next if p != layer

          # Draw Tile

          if id < 384

            # Gets Autotile Filename

            filename = autotiles[id / 48 - 1]

            # Reconfigure Tile ID

            id %= 48

            # Gets Generated Autotile Bitmap Section

            b = RPG::Cache.autotile_tile(filename, id, 0)

            # Draw Tile

            bitmap.blt(x * 32, y * 32, b, Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32))

          # Draw Normal Tile


            # Gets Tile Bitmap

            b = RPG::Cache.tile(tileset, id, 0)

            # Draws Tile

            bitmap.blt(x * 32, y * 32, b, Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32))








class Bitmap


  # * Name      : Make PNG

  #   Info      : Saves Bitmap to File

  #   Author    : ??? - [url=http://www.66rpg.com/htm/news624.htm]http://www.66rpg.com/htm/news624.htm[/url]

  #   Call Info : Zero to Three Arguments

  #               Name : Name of filenam

  #               Path : Directory in Game Folder

  #               Mode : Mode of Writing


  def make_png(name = 'like', path = '', mode = 0)

#    Dir.make_dir(path) if path != ''

    Zlib::Png_File.open('temp.gz')   { |gz| gz.make_png(self, mode) }

    Zlib::GzipReader.open('temp.gz') { |gz| $read = gz.read }

    f = File.open(path + name + '.png', 'wb')








# ** Modules.Zlib


# Description:

# ------------

# Adds PNG_File class to save Bitmap's to PNG Files


# Class List:

# -----------

# Png_File


module Zlib


  # ** Png_File     



  class Png_File < GzipWriter


    # * Make PNG


    def make_png(bitmap, mode = 0)

      # Save Bitmap & Mode

      @bitmap, @mode = bitmap, mode

      # Create & Save PNG







    # * Make Header


    def make_header

      return [0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a].pack('C*')



    # * Make IHDR


    def make_ihdr

      ih_size               = [13].pack("N")

      ih_sign               = 'IHDR'

      ih_width              = [@bitmap.width].pack('N')

      ih_height             = [@bitmap.height].pack('N')

      ih_bit_depth          = [8].pack('C')

      ih_color_type         = [6].pack('C')

      ih_compression_method = [0].pack('C')

      ih_filter_method      = [0].pack('C')

      ih_interlace_method   = [0].pack('C')

      string = ih_sign + ih_width + ih_height + ih_bit_depth + ih_color_type +

               ih_compression_method + ih_filter_method + ih_interlace_method

      ih_crc = [Zlib.crc32(string)].pack('N')

      return ih_size + string + ih_crc



    # * Make IDAT


    def make_idat

      header  = "\x49\x44\x41\x54"

      data    = @mode == 0 ? make_bitmap_data0 : make_bitmap_data1

      data    = Zlib::Deflate.deflate(data, 8)

      crc     = [Zlib.crc32(header + data)].pack('N')

      size    = [data.length].pack('N')

      return size + header + data + crc



    # * Make Bitmap Data 0


    def make_bitmap_data0

      gz = Zlib::GzipWriter.open('hoge.gz')

      t_Fx = 0

      w = @bitmap.width

      h = @bitmap.height

      data = []

      for y in 0...h


        for x in 0...w

          t_Fx += 1

          if t_Fx % 10000 == 0



          if t_Fx % 100000 == 0

            s = data.pack("C*")




          color = @bitmap.get_pixel(x, y)

          red = color.red

          green = color.green

          blue = color.blue

          alpha = color.alpha







      s = data.pack("C*")




      gz = Zlib::GzipReader.open('hoge.gz')

      data = gz.read



      return data



    # * Make Bitmap Data Mode 1


    def make_bitmap_data1

      w = @bitmap.width

      h = @bitmap.height

      data = []

      for y in 0...h


        for x in 0...w

          color = @bitmap.get_pixel(x, y)

          red = color.red

          green = color.green

          blue = color.blue

          alpha = color.alpha







      return data.pack("C*")



    # * Make IEND


    def make_iend

      ie_size = [0].pack('N')

      ie_sign = 'IEND'

      ie_crc  = [Zlib.crc32(ie_sign)].pack('N')

      return ie_size + ie_sign + ie_crc






# ** RPG::Cache



module RPG::Cache


  # * Auto-Tiles


  Autotiles = [

    [[27, 28, 33, 34], [ 5, 28, 33, 34], [27,  6, 33, 34], [ 5,  6, 33, 34],

     [27, 28, 33, 12], [ 5, 28, 33, 12], [27,  6, 33, 12], [ 5,  6, 33, 12]],

    [[27, 28, 11, 34], [ 5, 28, 11, 34], [27,  6, 11, 34], [ 5,  6, 11, 34],

     [27, 28, 11, 12], [ 5, 28, 11, 12], [27,  6, 11, 12], [ 5,  6, 11, 12]],

    [[25, 26, 31, 32], [25,  6, 31, 32], [25, 26, 31, 12], [25,  6, 31, 12],

     [15, 16, 21, 22], [15, 16, 21, 12], [15, 16, 11, 22], [15, 16, 11, 12]],

    [[29, 30, 35, 36], [29, 30, 11, 36], [ 5, 30, 35, 36], [ 5, 30, 11, 36],

     [39, 40, 45, 46], [ 5, 40, 45, 46], [39,  6, 45, 46], [ 5,  6, 45, 46]],

    [[25, 30, 31, 36], [15, 16, 45, 46], [13, 14, 19, 20], [13, 14, 19, 12],

     [17, 18, 23, 24], [17, 18, 11, 24], [41, 42, 47, 48], [ 5, 42, 47, 48]],

    [[37, 38, 43, 44], [37,  6, 43, 44], [13, 18, 19, 24], [13, 14, 43, 44],

     [37, 42, 43, 48], [17, 18, 47, 48], [13, 18, 43, 48], [ 1,  2,  7,  8]]



  # * Autotile Cache


  #   @autotile_cache = { 

  #     filename => { [autotile_id, frame_id, hue] => bitmap, ... },

  #     ...

  #    }


  @autotile_cache = {}


  # * Autotile Tile


  def self.autotile_tile(filename, tile_id, hue = 0, frame_id = nil)

    # Gets Autotile Bitmap

    autotile = self.autotile(filename)

    # Configures Frame ID if not specified

    if frame_id.nil?

      # Animated Tiles

      frames = autotile.width / 96

      # Configures Animation Offset

      fc = Graphics.frame_count / 16

      frame_id = (fc) % frames * 96


    # Creates list if already not created

    @autotile_cache[filename] = {} unless @autotile_cache.has_key?(filename)

    # Gets Key

    key = [tile_id, frame_id, hue]

    # If Key Not Found

    unless @autotile_cache[filename].has_key?(key)

      # Reconfigure Tile ID

      tile_id %= 48

      # Creates Bitmap

      bitmap = Bitmap.new(32, 32)

      # Collects Auto-Tile Tile Layout

      tiles = Autotiles[tile_id / 8][tile_id % 8]

      # Draws Auto-Tile Rects

      for i in 0...4

        tile_position = tiles[i] - 1

        src_rect = Rect.new(tile_position % 6 * 16 + frame_id, 

          tile_position / 6 * 16, 16, 16)

        bitmap.blt(i % 2 * 16, i / 2 * 16, autotile, src_rect)


      # Saves Autotile to Cache

      @autotile_cache[filename][key] = bitmap

      # Change Hue



    # Return Autotile

    return @autotile_cache[filename][key]



  # * Name      : Gradient

  #   Info      : Loads A Gradient Bar

  #   Author    : Trickster

  #   Call Info : One to Two Arguments 

  #               String filename of Bar to load

  #               Integer hue - hue displacement

  #   Comment   : Files are to be located in Graphics/Gradients


  def self.gradient(filename, hue = 0)

    self.load_bitmap("Graphics/Gradients/", filename, hue)




# * End SDK Enable Test




Enjoy =D



I'm looking for Ccoa's UMS Version 1.7.1
Anyone actually have a copy of this script? I cannot seem to find it anywhere. I had it before my computer crashed but now I can only find version 1.5.0 on the net. And it sucks, since there are still a few errors and less features. I would really like the entire demo but if all you can post/find is the script I will be more then satisfied with that!

Thanks in advance.



Geowil":2tf764z0 said:

No longer need those scripts. I found my scripts demo so i have all of the ones I was looking for.

if anyone is looking for old old scripts from the rmxp.net days, I have about 10 listed on my site:

Near Fantastica:
Dynamic Maps

[link to scripts + instructions]


Dynamic Shadows
Sun Effects

[link to scripts + instructions]


Weather System
Faces in Messages

[link to scripts + instructions]


Final Fantasy 7 Style Credits

[link to scripts + instructions]


Fog of War + fog tile
Random Map Generator

[link to scripts + instructions]


Floating Location Window

[link to scripts + instructions]


Quest Window

[link to scripts + instructions]

Momomomo? (translated by McDohl):

Item Book
Skill Book

[link to scripts + instructions]


Custom Save Menu (I didnt include any instructions with this one so I dont know what all changes or possible script calls are needed for this to work)

[link to scripts + instructions]

Sephiroth Spawn:

Dynamic Bank
Enemies that Level Up

[link to scripts + instructions]

And Makeamidget:

Encounter Bar

[link to scripts + instructions]

thats what i got. There are more, but the links are either dead (megaupload dl links) or I did not put the scripts up (like all of the KCG scripts)

Since geocities has kicked the bucket none of those links work anymore, but I have a script demo that has all 25 to 28 of the scripts, including the ones mentioned if anyone is interested.

Just be aware that the limit breaker KCG script has been heavily modified and will not work without the Battle Points script if you decide to use it.

Scripts Demo
Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a couple good scripts of these natures:

1. Multi-equipment slot script.

2. Some victory screen scripts.

3. Dual wield script.

4. Multi handed + Multiple attack scripts.

I know these exist as i used to have them, but I can't seem to find them again, and before people ask, YES i have browsed around the threads and used the search function i just can't really find much.

Any assistance would be appreciated, thank you.

I've been looking for Deke's category add-on for his crafting script for a very long time.
Does anyone have this still in an old demo or something perhaps?

Script in a demo, script without demo, anything would be fine as long as it works.
Okay, so this thread has had about 6 requests in the last 6 months, and its almost pointless. Therefore, if you are looking for a script, post what you are looking for in the script request boards. And Derakahn, I split your request so now you have your own topic, no worries there.
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