Part IV
Unlike the previous games in the series, this one could probably actually be classed as a game. For that reason, I'm actually posting a proper topic. This isn't to say it is now a 'serious' game, it still retains a large satirical element, but also takes on the form of an RPG. I'll update this topic when necessary and eventually upload a demo (It's already demo length now, actually, just not ready yet.). The story remains quite linear, as of now. The game is currently being developed in an Adults Only format, but will be severely censored/cut so that it is appropriate for at least a teenage audience.
If you aren't familiar with the story as of now, don't worry, it isn't like there is very much to catch up on. Understand that all of the previous games (Except for a couple of parts of Part III) were purely intended as a joke.
The tale begins with the first game, which was created on RPG Maker XP. It follows a short cut scene of an old man instructing the player to find his moose. Eventually you get outside, only to find that the moose is a cow. Then the game shuts down. The second game, created with RPG Maker VX this time, is practically the same thing, except with different dialogue and setting. Once again, an old man instructs the player, a man named "MAN", to find his moose. You enter a cave, only to find the moose is a horse. This apparently kills you. After that, I decided not to make a "The Legend Of The Lost Moose III", instead I decided on "The Legend Of The Lost Moose II: Part II". It starts by explaining that you are taking the role of Pinucchi, who was MAN's brother. He has learned of his fate, and is angry. He begins to pursue the old man (who at this point had his named changed to "Old Man".). After gathering some obvious clues you make your way to the city of the island that you are on, which is named "Embervale". An abrupt ending then occurs. Part III began to swerve into more adult humor, while remaining quite immature. Pinucchi enters Embervale, eventually finding that his sister lives there and that she is willing to aid him in his quest. After gathering some more information they discover where Old Man is heading; Icus, a frozen wasteland on the other side of the World Map. The duo earn Rape (The currency) by doing a couple of extra quests for people, one of which rewards the ally Repuznel. After raising enough money for the boat ride and beginning their journey, the ship is attacked by Orcs and the game ends. Part III was the longest of all the games so far, totaling about 45 minutes of play time, compared to the rest which were about or less than 5 minutes.
Part IV begins exactly where Part III left it, having your ship invaded by Orcs. After a short battle, the party surrenders, realizing that they cannot win. They are transported to a makeshift prison situated inside an Orcish outpost on the outskirts of a small island which seperates Pinucchi's homeland and the massive Barrenholm Desert called Savasi. After fighting their way through the prison, collecting their lost equipment and almost re-banding, the group makes their way to the main chamber where Stacy is held captive. She is freed, and the Wardens reveal themselves. After their defeat, to the group's astonishment, Old Man appears before them, explaining to the Wardens that they have failed and must be killed. Pinucchi recklessly engages in battle with Old Man, only to be effortlessly defeated. Probably for his own sadistic amusement, Old Man decides to keep the group alive and allow them to pursue him. With determination, the group persists through the harsh terrain of Savasi, finally reaching a town which was named after the island itself. Waiting for them at the Northern docks is their boat, which transports them to an mysteriously abandoned town near the Northernmost tip of Barrenholm Desert. After searching the village for life and finding nothing, the group is ambushed and taken into a dank and watery cave by a man under the name of Mike Litoris. Mike displays his power to the group by killing one of them. As he is about to sacrifice another, he is confronted by Valerie who assassinates his guards after undoing the ropes which bound the group. The group fights with Mike, but he manages to escape. Valerie promises to aid them until they reach Icus on the condition that they help her kill Mike. After figuring out a way to defeat him without him escaping, the group leaves the cave and embarks on their perilous journey to Icus, where they encounter Old Man a second time, only to be defeated once more. Legends which the party hear of and read describe an ancient supernatural power which the group concludes confides itself within Old Man, and must figure out a way to unbind him before more lives are lost...

Age: 22
Class: Paladin
The protagonist of the game. He is often arrogant, foul mouthed and rude. He freely expresses his distaste for anything he doesn't like, without caring at all about what anyone else's opinion might be. He is prone to acting before thinking. Although he hates to admit it, he does love his family. He also really hates being called "Pinny".

Age: 18
Class: Unknown
Not very much is known about him, due to the lack of character development on my part. He is the brother of Pinucchi and is assumed to have been killed somehow by Old Man.

Old Man
Age: Unknown
Class: Not applicable.
The antagonist of the tale. He talks sincerely, but makes effort at all to hide how evil he is. He has supernatural powers, but it is unknown as to how he acquired them. He often organizes to cripple Pinucchi and his friends through means of his allies, but always expects them to pull through, constantly reassuring them, and himself, that he will see them in Icus.

Age: 17
Class: Mage
Pinucchi's sister. She often disagrees with Pinucchi and finds it amusing to annoy him. She is optimistic and intelligent. In battle, she uses powerful magic to make up for her relatively weak attack power and armor.

Age: 26
Class: Healer
Discovered by Pinucchi and Stacy at the top of a tower, Repuznel agrees to join the team because she is bored of her current life style. She doesn't speak much, however if she does she usually delivers some kind of information that is relevant to the situation at hand.

Captain Sacks
Age: 48
Class: Warrior
He is the captain of the ship that Stacy, Pinucchi and Repuznel took in order to get to Icus. When his ship is commandeered he decides to join the party and aid them on their quest. He is quite perverted towards female characters in the game.

Age: 16
Class: Thief
Valerie is up-beat, quirky and energetic. She calls upon the elements with her weapons to deliver a blow that can be deadly to an enemy who is weak to that specific type.

Age: 24
Class: Variable
Mandy falls deeply in love with Pinucchi at first sight; a characteristic which remains throughout her appearance in the game, however is never mutual. Pinucchi considers her annoying because of her obsessive fangirl-esque behavior, which leads other party members to believe that Pinucchi is insane.
- Intriguing storyline, broken into shortish chapters, which the player can review in the quest log.
- Some characters can have their classes changed to the player's liking.
- Plenty of custom weapons/armor/items to collect and trade with NPCs.
- Challenging boss battles that are more than just ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK, HEAL, ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK.

In the fashion of the previous games, this one contains a disclaimer which tells you exactly where you stand.

Chillin' in a mountain woods place or some other cliche shit.

Pinucchi, flexing his etiquette muscles.

In any RPG, anything that doesn't make sense can be easily explained by stating exactly what is going to happen.

Map of 'Port Willis', without events etc

Don't worry, It was only a clown.
None, yet. But soon!
Neo Face
Menu Backgrounds
Neo Gauge
Neo Shop
Battle Retry
Item Categorization
Pretty much every script they've made.
A nice tutorial on making a logo for your game by Persona.
None as of now.
I'll keep this up to date.
Neo Face
Menu Backgrounds
Neo Gauge
Neo Shop
Battle Retry
Item Categorization
Pretty much every script they've made.
A nice tutorial on making a logo for your game by Persona.
None as of now.
I'll keep this up to date.
Story = 90% (Constantly adding, subtracting and evolving ideas, though.)
Characters = 95%
Mapping = 20%
Scripts = 95%
Events = 20%
Side-Quests = 1%
Items etc = 70%
Overall = 38%
The average of these numbers was closer to 50%, but since I weight Mapping and Eventing much higher than I would with Characters/Scripts, I lowered it.
Characters = 95%
Mapping = 20%
Scripts = 95%
Events = 20%
Side-Quests = 1%
Items etc = 70%
Overall = 38%
The average of these numbers was closer to 50%, but since I weight Mapping and Eventing much higher than I would with Characters/Scripts, I lowered it.
I actually summed up the plot lines of the previous games earlier, and that's pretty much all there is to them.
I no longer have the original, #2 or #2 Part II hosted anywhere, but if you want to play Part III for some reason then go here http://www.rpgrevolution.com/forums/ind ... opic=19918
Understand that it was never meant for children, though.
And if, for some reason, you'd like to add the userbar to your sig; here's the code

[img ]http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o10/wendigo03/tlotlm.png[ /img]