You should really say waht type of system you're making this on. I would think RMXP, but then the expansion pack stuff makes me think you're using some other system or whatever to make an online game, because, for me, expansion packs in an rmxp game makes no sense.
The story is eh~~~. It's not amazing, but it's not really subpar. The names are a bit meaningless, and some of them sounds like you just stole them- like awards, borders, cosmo, and the most obvious one is metamorphians. I mean.. whatever, as long as it works. They're a bit hard to remember, and somewhat meaningless for being so hard. I would understand if they were different actual races of your own imagining or something... but they're just human, elf, and dward variations.
You have no idea how much I applaud you for making characters with a high variety and range of ages. Who has ever honestly done a 47 year old woman in their rpgs? I praise ye.
The story spoiler was more of a background that sets the area for the real story, which you displayed in the characters section. I was a bit eh~~~ to read all of them, but I skimmed some, and it seemed okay, much better than subpar.
Huge ambitions for your features, we'll see if you'll get crushed under them or not. Good luck.
Classes have been done by everyone, so doing yours balancedly is all that matters. Sounds okay.
Good luck.