Incorrect. I am an Amiga. The next person is the eggman.
Pokémaniac Awesome Bro 13,580 Oct 7, 2010 #22 WHAT DO I DO!?!?!?! The next poster wishes that rec room would crawl away and die.
Draycos Goldaryn Member 293 Oct 8, 2010 #25 LET'S GO STREAKING!!!!!! (well, it's true... I don't.) The next poster loves to inhale the odor from male jock straps.
LET'S GO STREAKING!!!!!! (well, it's true... I don't.) The next poster loves to inhale the odor from male jock straps.
Daxis Member 1,272 Oct 8, 2010 #26 nah, it gets on your nerve after the 2034724th strap, and the fun goes out of it the next poster does not eat breakfast
nah, it gets on your nerve after the 2034724th strap, and the fun goes out of it the next poster does not eat breakfast
Misery Member 291 Oct 8, 2010 #27 not really nope the next poster is in love with necrile (alexis ^^)
JoshieBoy Member 46 Oct 8, 2010 #28 Who you calling Alexis? The next poster has a fetish for a manga character.
LiquidMetal91 Sponsor 470 Oct 8, 2010 #30 Ooh... original ¬¬ But look at the MAL link.. It'll scream my "fetish" Next person is Fox
Draycos Goldaryn Member 293 Oct 9, 2010 #34 Next poster wishes his/her girlfriend had a 'stache like me!
Ellie Staff 838,267 Oct 10, 2010 #40 I once saw an episode of an anime so that's probably true. I think it was Bleach. The next person is relatively new here (2010).
I once saw an episode of an anime so that's probably true. I think it was Bleach. The next person is relatively new here (2010).