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The Furry Fandom - What do you think?

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Hiya .org,
I wanted to brush this topic.
The furry fandom.

I'm sure most of you have at least heard of the fandom, and I know there's loads more than just me on this forum who consider themselves a part of it...
But I want to know what you personally think of the Fandom, .org.
Many people persecute furries for simply being furries. I can't pass that off as them being a complete jackass, so I have to consider that there may be some kind of actual fact involved, or some strong personal or ethical belief that prevents people from accepting furries into the online community.
Most furries are simply people who feel that they're in tune with the primal part of their spirit, that relates most with animals... It can come from loving cute little animals, or powerful and majestic beasts... Even from having a dog that you loved as a child. Anyone can feel that they want to be a furry... In fact, the oldest living furry is something like, 85 now.
The media today, is an issue, when it comes to 'fursecution'.
I daresay near all of you have heard of the kid who was a member of the fandom who conspired with a friend to murder his parents...
The news labelled the fandom as the cause of this persons sick mind...
It doesn't seem right that one sick-ass person calls themselves a furry, and we all get branded as perverted psychopaths...
It disgusts me, it's open RACISM, still expressed by the people on the internet...
If a black person murdered their father, would the media then insinuate that all blacks are psychos? I don't think so.

Is it fair to be persecuted for loving animals?

But tell me .org What do you think of furries?
Well, the whole idea of the bestiality fanfic, came from the line of people in the fandom who joined because it could fulfil their bizzare sexual fantasies... Needless to say, the fandom simply didn't start for people like this...
As for animorphs, again, it's a hybrid of wanting to be in the fandom, but wanting to keep their ties with humanity...
As for complete anthropomorphs, they're people who wish to give up humanity alltogether, and to become an animal with a human mind...

Keep asking me questions, I know I didn't do the best job of defining it, but I was hoping you'd all point me in the right direction to explain stuff. ^.^
And as for the idea of the fandom being disgusting...
Those people who are disgusting, have disgusting minds regardless...
Even a person who isn't a furry can still be a zoophile or some such sick thing...
Personally, while I find furries disgusting, it is far better than bestiality. All the same, it's fine on the same level that pedophilia in mind-only is "fine". It's still a disturbing fetish to have, and one that would hopefully only be played out in said fanfics. I've never seen a furry fanfic so I wouldn't know.

I will say however I once ended up watching a furry vore* video. Now that was disturbing.

*Vore: Furry meets furry. Furry eats furry. Furry sits inside other furry's stomach masturbating after almost being crushed to death while being swallowed. Furry splorts lovejuice out of other furry's ass and then furry gives birth to furry from said ass. Both hug and kiss and make up.





honestly this has played out so many times before I don't know why it needs to happen here as well

suffice it to say that it's disgustingly self-important to label anti-furry sentiment as "RACISM," and you're doing a pretty good job so far misrepresenting the furry community as some sort of ecologically minded group of philanthropists.

the short and long of the matter is that a furry is someone who likes to pretend to be an anthropomorphic creature. everything else varies by person. I've known furries who were pretty chill guys, and I've known furries who were obsessed with the furry side of things to the point where it was painful to talk to them. a major factor in the stigma against furries is that for many, their identity as a furry completely eclipses the rest of their personality and it becomes a factor in everything they do. I'm talking strictly internet; the dudes who sashay around in fursuits are in a league of their own and should probably see a shrink because that's way past the point of healthy delusions.

another major factor is threads like these that try to "reconcile differences," as if there's any major factors which separate us aside from personal fantasies.

the short form is "yeah, you're a furry, but you're other things too. it's your own damn fault if you mistake a small piece of your identity for the end-all be-all of your existence."



cut the martyrdom shit, too. I don't know why so many furries have a fixation on feeling sorry for themselves, but it's annoying and it makes the rest of the community look bad.

I'm sure there are a lot of really cool furries out there but naturally the focus is on the small few who make whiny asses out of themselves.
I think it's more a lack of knowledge / understanding of the situation, as well as those few who rant and rave about it, and that the general opinion has been twisted just like everything else on the Internet (just like japfags, 4chan memes, etc).

I asked what you meant by furry meaning:

Animorph-esque - people pretending to be animals?
Bestiality - people pretending to fuck animals?

I've always considered furry to pertain to the latter rather than the first. But then as I said I've never seen any furry fanfics so don't know what's out there.

I dunno.

In terms of people pretending to be animals I suppose it's just the same as people pretending to be gangstars, pretending to be murderers, pretending to be girls (don't read any analogies in there please, not my intention). It's all good fun and most certainly doesn't lead to any real life actions.

Thus proving I suck at debating and end up thinking a multitude of different things at once. Continue.
It'd be nice if we could. Simply put...
Most known furries are about the sex, obviously some are about really weird shit, like vore and other freaky things...
But there are normal people like that too...

I'm not so taken aback because people think furries are weirdos...
I just don't like it when people relate those kind of things to furries...
Bestiality, vore, sex... Pft. Those're human problems. And aren't we all human?
If it's just that you like to read/write stories about people who happen to be animals then tbh you shouldn't feel need to classify yourself under a "race" (racism :wink: ) or a subculture. I mean, science fiction readers don't call themselves sci-fy's; crime novellists aren't crimey's; etc, unless they want to be noticed.



And lol, calling yourself a furry... try that in a public place.
a: anyone who actually brings the whole furry thing into real life is just completely batshit
b: chances are no one'd care in the first place.
To be honest, I don't use racism in that serious manner. I probably should have used a term such as Xenophobia...

I just want all the generalisation and hate to stop...
And that isn't going to happen any time soon, I know.



And lol, calling yourself a furry... try that in a public place.
It'd be nice if we could.

ffffffff why

why would you even want to do that

being a furry is a tiny part of your identity. you are a person outside of that whole furry thing.

do PETA members preface everything they say with "I'm a PETA member?" no. they only bring it up when it's relevant.
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