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The Fairest of Them All...



Indeed. Honestly, when it all comes down to it, I don't even believe in most psycology or sociology, so I definitely wouldn't put all my stock into the afforementioned source.
Maybe, at the end of the day, people just want what they want.
Ya dig?



Skin tone preferences change over time (think Victorian era - pale confined women were the fad ;), I think.

I agree with Ccoa. These days too light of skin is considered unattractive as well (hence all the tanning booths, fake tanners, bronzers etc which really sucks for a very fair girl like me).

I don't think I have ever heard about dark being unattractive, but maybe it depends on where you live. I certainly have never heard someone complain about being too dark. One conclusion of beauty studies has been that averages = beautiful, perhaps the same applies to skin colour. (e.g. Halle Berry over Naomi Campbell or Cate Blanchett...)

I didn't word that very well, and I have no overall point, except for that while beauty standards set by society suck, I hope that many people will look past that after gettign to know someone. Despite that, I know few people without their own preferences for looks, race, etc. on some level.

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