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The Ether [serendipity]

the ether.

This is the prologue to a game I am making with the same main title. The game isn't coming out any time soon and it's release is still up for debate. If I decide to not make it, it's a great story that I'll put up on here.

chapter one.
        The darkness and the taste of blood. The pounding on the inside of his skull. He opened his eyes, and quickly shut them. The bright room distorted his vision, his eyes rolled back. His stomach churned, turning in retort to the light. He opened them again, blinking wildly to adjust. He would have shielded his eyes but his hands were fastened to the rusty foldout chair.
        He examined the room. The walls were stripped of any old memory of paint, and floors lay barren clad in bloodstains. He rocked in the chair. To no avail however, it was bolted down. He wasn't taped to the chair, but small mechanical bangles with a flashing red light held him there. He couldn't take his gaze off of the shiny cast iron closet door.
        The subject felt worse at each monotoning minute. The walls dripped and the floor spiraled. The smell of blood caused his flipping stomach to churn at full speed. It wouldn't be long before he would purge. He was drugged. At this notion, he vomited. A pure water liquid sprang from his mouth to the floor below. His stomach was empty albeit a small electronic disc that had come out in the discharge.
        It blinked a few times, and sputtered some clicking noises. A flash of light leaped from it and then it conformed to the shape of a man. A man in a suit, balding, with his greasy auburn hair slicked back.

        "Hello John. You have no doubt regurgitated the holographic chip you digested a few hours ago. You are drugged...with a mix of DMT and a sedative. DMT? I know, we're crazy. The walls will stop melting soon enough. Anyways, my name is Mr. Keen. I am the Head of Patient Affairs here at the Facility. You're a very special person, John. Now, the only thing you remember is that John isn't your real name. Can't put your finger on it though. I don't have much stream time so I'll get to the point..."

        Another suited man walked on to the holographic screen. He pushed his glasses back up his steep nose and bent down to look into the camera.

        "Ah, is this John, Mr.Keen?" the steep nosed man said.

        "It is indeed. John, this is Mr. Poe. Mr. Poe is the Head of Medical Procedures at the Facility. Now, I have some instructions for you so listen up. Your on an isolated island, their is no escape. We're going to set you free in a minute, and you are going to do something for us. You see, we've been doing some cell and gene work on you during the past week, and we have isolated some disturbing, cancerous material. This material has a structure like none we've ever seen. That is why you are special, John. We think you might be the cure. You are probably wondering how we get away with this, and simply put...we aren't. The Facility is still under United States law, but we are so far away they pay no attention. The Facilities purpose is to practice life saving techniques that the U.S. Congress deems unconstitutional."

      John shouted now, for the first time, "Fuck you...fuck you! Who the fuck do you think you are?"

      "Don't yell, John," Mr. Poe said slowly as he shook his chubby finger.

      "At least he remembers how to speak...Now listen John. We need you to travel to the other side of the island. On that side there is a building with a man. This man needs to be killed. We need his blood. Simple. If you can do this, we will let you go home, or to where ever you think you belong," Mr. Keen spun around in his chair, then spun back, "And whatever you do, do not talk to anyone, do not touch the guards, and do not use any radio."

      "Good day, John," Mr.Poe said standing and turning the camera off.

      The clasps on his arm released and he fell out of the chair in the puddle of his own vomit. He picked himself up and looked towards the closet. Straggling and pacing erraticly to the closet he flung it open. Inside was a pair of faded blue jeans and a white t-shirt. He tore the medical shirt from his stomach and slopped up the vomit on his face. He covered his nude body with the clothes that fit him perfectly.

      He paced around the room for hours. The dim light from outside faded and darkness encompassed the dingy cell. He knew he could leave but he didn't know if he was capable. He curled up in a ball and wept himself into a restless and disturbing sleep.

chapter two. coming soon.

Hope you guys enjoyed it!


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