I beleive he only uploads his files for people to comment and critique them.
this is interresting - especially after the last few 8bit things you have going on. i don't think it's too slow, tbh. i dont know if it's just your snare, or if you're using a tom and a snare at the same time, but that was kinda weird man @_@
the piano work was really cool, and i enjoyed it, but there seemed to be a bit too much reverb on it. there was this constant ringing around in the background that -when turned up - was borderline annoying. :\
synth was super rpg-grade-cheese.
really nice composition tho. the way it kept changing was cool, and makes for a good battle music sequence. the part with the lone piano was really cool, are you a pianist, or did you just program this stuff? either way you've got skill.